View Full Version : Limits of Nonchangeable Lens

Steven Blye
July 30th, 2006, 09:02 AM
Could you list some forseeable limits of filmmaking with a nondetachable lens? What are you realistically giving up? Would this stop anyone from buying the XH series camera?

Dave Perry
July 30th, 2006, 09:16 AM
Good question Steve. I don't really have a good answer, BUT, it seems that with the quality of tele and wide angle adapters these days and the advent of the various 35mm adapters available, the limitations of fixed lens cameras are less than they were a few years ago.

For me, the XH A1 will be my next camera for sure. I shoot with an XLH1 at work and love it but can't afford it on my own.

Bill Pryor
July 30th, 2006, 09:22 AM
From a practical point of view, not having interchangeable lenses is not a big deal for most independent filmmakers who use these types of cameras. If you get an XL series, there's only one additional practical lens available. Sure, you can use Canon still camera lenses, but not unless you want really long telephotos, because of the 1/3" chips vs. 35mm negatives. A 50mm still camera lens will be about a 350mm in 1/3" chipland. To me the quality of the lens and how wide it is at the wide angle end is more significant that whether it's interchangeable.

Meryem Ersoz
July 30th, 2006, 10:00 AM
i will miss the interchangeable lens feature, but the advantages sooo outweigh that single feature, at these price points.....and 20x is a pretty handy range....3rd-party manufacturers will probably also be addressing this (telextenders, 35mm adapters, etc.)

Steven Blye
July 30th, 2006, 10:00 AM
Dave, your use of the XLH1 at work makes that a good testimonial. And Bill, the real world availability of lenses makes a good reality check. I guess I can't see any reason, then, to go with the XL H1 over the G1, as I would want it for the genlock for 3d - which of course necessitates two cameras.