View Full Version : Marshall v-dv-pwr1: noisy bugger

Scott Tebeau
July 27th, 2006, 01:06 AM
I received the power module today that allows the use of Sony batteries to power the Marshall R-7oP as an alternative to purchasing an IDX battery system. As soon as I plugged the thing in I knew I was in trouble. For cooling purposes it has an internal fan that runs constantly, the noise produced would certainly be a show-stopper as far sound is concerned.

If this is an inherent design flaw I’m not sure how they can stand behind this product knowing how invasive the sound issues are.

Anyone else have a similar experience? Until now I've only heard positive reviews.

I think for me there is no choice but to return the item and purchase the intended IDX battery to power the unit. If you intend on purchasing this unit and sound is critical for you projects I would strongly caution all to be aware of the noise issues.