View Full Version : Recorded Audio Using Front Mic, and XLR. Now what?

Austin Walton
July 26th, 2006, 02:09 PM

Above is the original thread that I posted, asking how to record multiple audio channels w/the H1. I figured out, with others help, that my problem was simply not having the right audio monitor channels selected.

I am now attempting to capture a wedding ceremony I shot (FCP), and I am having problems. I can't get the XLR channel to record. When I capture, only the front mic is being captured. How do I go about capturing both channels?

And when I lay what HAS been captured (one 20min continuous shot) onto the timeline, it's all screwed up. The audio isn't synced, and it plays the wrong portion of the clip over the audio, etc.

I have captured other video I shot w/the H1 from that day w/no problems (using only the front mic for audio). The seq. settings are correct.

Thanks in advance!

To the admins., sorry if this should be under the FCP Forum.

-Austin Walton

Chris Hurd
July 26th, 2006, 03:28 PM
Moved to FCP forum, as this has more to do with capture in Final Cut than it does with the XL H1.