Ryan Calloway
July 25th, 2006, 05:02 AM
Good Morning All,
I'm seeking any and all help on finding a quality tripod between $100-$200. I have read some threads where some models of tripods, even of the same brand/type, provide different responsiveness out of the box. The cameras that will be used will be the Canon GL2. The tripods will be used for weddings and other cherished moments. Please provide the pros and cons of the brands and locations to find these important pieces of equipment. Thanks in advance.
Vito DeFilippo
July 25th, 2006, 11:30 AM
That's a tough price point, but you might consider the Manfrotto 755B MeDeVe tripod. I have one and love it, though I have to sell it due to an upgrade. It's pretty light and quick to set up, goes nice and high, and has an integrated levelling ball which is great. A bit more than you wanted to spend; It's $247 at B&H. You might find it cheaper on Ebay.
I've read many times that if you buy a cheap tripod and head, you'll regret it later and end up buying a good one anyway, thus wasting the money you spent on the cheap one. From my own experience, this is very true. Spend the maximum you can stand and get something good. You don't mention if you need a head as well, but something like the 755B with a 503 head is the minimum I would consider.
Good luck!
Jerry Porter
July 25th, 2006, 11:34 AM
I have the 501 head and like it OK, but as stated above I wish I had the 503. Live and learn.
Jerry Porter
July 25th, 2006, 11:38 AM
Oh yea back to the original question I have the sticks above and like them, but if it's windy good luck. They are pretty light.
Ryan Calloway
July 25th, 2006, 08:50 PM
Thanks Vito and Jerry,
I will be online tonight while I'm working my 12hr night shift to research the tripods. I have to get use to the fact that the heads are sold separately from the actual sticks. Why is this if I may ask? Anyway spending an additional $50 dollars to get quality is worth it. One of the things that I firmly believe in is making sure I have as much quality I can get for the dollar. My wife doesn't always appreciate my view on this, but you have to do things right the first time. Thanks a million.
If there are any other comments/suggetions, please keep them coming.