View Full Version : Black Stretch

George Palmier
July 22nd, 2006, 11:25 AM
Hi everyone. I got one question about black stretch. Would you be introducing grains if you set to 1, 2 or 3? I came acroos a situation where I was filming a wedding outdoors and it was pretty dark. I had my 50 watt on camera lamp and nothing else. Using black stretch would give a better exposure but will grains be visible like when you use the gain?

Paolo Ciccone
July 22nd, 2006, 11:35 AM
Using black stretch would give a better exposure but will grains be visible like when you use the gain?
No, if you stretch it too much you'll affect the midtones a bit much. I usually use Stretch1 or 2. Also remember that with HD it's better to underexpose a bit instead of overexpose. You can recover the blacks if you are slightly underexposed but once the highlights are gone, they are gone :)