James Q. Manning
July 22nd, 2006, 07:26 AM
Can FD mount SLR lenses be used if an appropriate adapter on a CineAlta? Please, don't shoot me :D I'm not a cinematographer, just a director :p
View Full Version : Probably a ridiculously stupid question... James Q. Manning July 22nd, 2006, 07:26 AM Can FD mount SLR lenses be used if an appropriate adapter on a CineAlta? Please, don't shoot me :D I'm not a cinematographer, just a director :p Morton Molyneux July 22nd, 2006, 10:54 PM Try Century Optics, now part of Schneider Optics. They make various add on lenses and adapters. I have friends who are using a Nikon f4 300 mm on their F350. cheers Morton James Q. Manning July 23rd, 2006, 12:42 AM Thanks! My DP is a 35mm guy, and he has never really liked the CineAlta. Not because of the camera, because he's just a film snob :p Due to circumstances beyond our control, we've had to forego shooting 35mm and instead shoot CineAlta. His one request was to get him better lenses than are provided with the camera. So I'm trying to do that. Any suggestions on good places to rent lens kits for a week? Anyone? Anyone? James Q. Manning July 24th, 2006, 01:06 PM What mount does the CineAlta have? Nate Weaver July 24th, 2006, 02:08 PM Sony B4 mount Mark Sasahara July 26th, 2006, 10:59 PM Zeiss Digiprimes (http://www.bandprodigital.com/cgibin/eDatCat/BPDstore.cgi?user_action=list&category=Products;Lenses;DigiPrimes) DigiZooms (http://www.bandprodigital.com/cgibin/eDatCat/BPDstore.cgi?user_action=list&category=Products;Lenses;DigiZoom) Canon's (http://www.usa.canon.com/html/industrial_bctv/pro_hdec.shtml) Fuji's (http://www.fujinonbroadcast.com/cgi-bin/products.cgi?parent=173) Do some searches and there are various Fuji, Canon, BandPro and Zeiss pages that have info and propaganda on the different lenses. These are all B4 mount, so there is no need for any adapters. If you're a film AC, I think you'll like them. Alister Chapman July 27th, 2006, 10:07 AM Just to make one thing clear the HD XDCAM's F330 and F350 have a Sony half inch bayonet hot shoe mount that is different to a standard B4 mount as fitted to the F900, 750, 730 etc. You need an adapter to use B4 mount lenses on F330/F350. James Q. Manning July 28th, 2006, 07:50 AM We've gotten a good deal on a Fujinon Zoom lens, which will serve our purposes greatly. Thanks for the help guys! |