Michael Anderson
July 21st, 2006, 02:56 PM
I just finished the Milwaukee film festival's 24 hour film competition and thought I'd share my film. I shot in SD 24 AP using Tim Dashwood's Cross-Processed Reversal. Contestants were given the theme "confessions" and had a 24 hour period starting at 11:00 a.m July 19th. The final film had to be 5 minuets in length.
Hope you enjoy,
Michael Anderson
Stephen L. Noe
July 21st, 2006, 05:57 PM
I like it.
If you're like me (when we've done the 48 hour), I'll bet there are things you wish you could have more time on. Did you get a chance to script it before hand or did you have to make up the story/shoot/score/edit/deliver it all in 24 hours?
Michael Anderson
July 21st, 2006, 07:03 PM
I'm glad you liked it.
There are certainly things I would change. We ran into a time crunch when shooting at the chinese restaurant so we forgot some lines of dialogue. overall it was an ambitious plot to pull off in a five minute time period. All of the work (including the music) was required to be done in the 24 hour time period. I took four hours in the afternoon to script and lock down locations. After that it was a late night of filming and editing. Overall it was a great experience. I will post a re edited version later this week.
Michael Anderson