Nathaniel McInnes
July 20th, 2006, 02:26 PM
Hey people i got a question for everyone who owns a XM2. if you touch you microphone and try and move it does it bend a little(not wobbles) just bends if you try it left or right
View Full Version : Xm2 Microphone shakes Nathaniel McInnes July 20th, 2006, 02:26 PM Hey people i got a question for everyone who owns a XM2. if you touch you microphone and try and move it does it bend a little(not wobbles) just bends if you try it left or right Graham Bernard July 20th, 2006, 03:38 PM Hey people i got a question for everyone who owns a XM2. if you touch you microphone and try and move it does it bend a little(not wobbles) just bends if you try it left or right Now Nat! Stop it! If I've told you once . . I've told you a hundred times! Stop waggling it about!!! But as you are asking. Mine is rock hard and firm as they come! Nothing wobbly about my mic. Oh no!! But as you are asking, I think the symptom you are experiencing is the rubber padding/isolating rib you can just see taking up the slack. I have no idea just how the insides are with this camera, if it ain't dropped off yet .. Just leave it alone! Oh yes, we did have some pics f the insides of various cameras? Some fine fellow might just do a search for the XM2 innards so we can rummage about within the entrails. Fancy a bit of rummaging - Nat? Nathaniel McInnes July 20th, 2006, 11:53 PM ok thanks for your replie. its just i came back from filming one day and i noticed it. Don Palomaki July 21st, 2006, 04:12 AM That is the rubber shock mount for the mic assembly. |