View Full Version : sample rate problem

Ron Jones
July 18th, 2006, 07:04 AM
Could someone help me on this. I have just up-graded to the latest FCP Studio. And when l am capturing clips l get the message which l have typed in below. Never got this in older versions. I am capturing footage from Mini DV tape.

The audio sample rate of one or more of your captured media files does not match the sample rate on your source tape. This may cause the video and audio of these media files to be out of sync. Make sure the audio sample rate of your capture preset matches the sample rate of your tape.

Thanks, Ron

Nick Jushchyshyn
July 18th, 2006, 07:14 AM
I think this is a question better suited for the DV Post Production Editing on Mac board. Hopefully someone with mod powers will be here to help move this for you soon (don't start a new thread :) )

In the meantime, did you check your capture settings?
Maybe the upgrade bummed them to a different profile. You can use the Easy Setup command to select DV-NTSC to configure for DV capture to make sure everything is configured properly.

Also .... did you shoot with audio in 16bit or 12bit audio?
Do your capture settings match the audio mode used for shooting?

PS: Will you be around for SIGGRAPH (
(I'll be in Boston for the conference)

Ron Jones
July 18th, 2006, 11:51 AM
Hi Nick,
Thanks for your reply. I did a easy Setup and selested DV-NTSC 48 kh2.
I shot footage on SONY DCR-VX2100. So it should be 16bit sound I believe?

Anyways, still getting same error message.


Nick Jushchyshyn
July 18th, 2006, 11:58 AM
The VX2100 provides the option of recording 12 bit or 16 bit audio. This might be worth checking just to rule out the possibility that this is the issue. If you always leave this setting alone, it's probably not the cause of the problem, but .... rarely hurts to check. :)

Sorry I can't be of more help.
Hopefully your question will get more attention once it's been moved.
Good luck.

Ron Jones
July 18th, 2006, 12:32 PM
Thanks, I will check that out.


Steven Zellers
July 19th, 2006, 09:38 AM
No solutions but experiencing the exact same problem. I can take the video into FCP 3 on my Mac 17" laptop with no problem...but when using the new FCP 5.1 on an Intel Mac I get the same message you get. For whatever it is worth on the FCP 3 version there was a check box under the General Tab of the Preferences that allowed you to check Sync Adjust Movies over (5) minutes. I have that checked on my FCP 3...but I can't find a similar checkbox in FCP 5.1. At this point that is where I am focusing my attention...since I use the same camera and tape on the laptop & the Intel Mac. If you come up with a solution I'd love to hear it. Until then I'll keep looking and capturing the video on the laptop & move it to the Intel Mac.


Ron Jones
July 19th, 2006, 10:56 AM
Thanks Steve,

Also when l get the sync problem window screen, and view in FCP 5, sync is fine on clip. But, not always. If you find a solution please let me know.


Nate Schmidt
July 21st, 2006, 09:48 PM
Try scrolling over in the viewer and there should be a column that says the sample rate of your clip see what that says, if it says anything other than 48KHz there may be a setting wrong on your camera, if it says 48KHz then something may be set wrong in your capture presets.

Ron Jones
July 24th, 2006, 06:33 AM
Thanks Nate
