Erik Walth
July 11th, 2006, 02:40 AM
I am currently looking for an AFFORDABLE remote control for the BR-HD50.
What I really miss is the jog shuttle !! Any suggestiones ?
Regards Erik
Tim Dashwood
July 11th, 2006, 07:21 AM
Any RS-422 controller with a 9-pin connecotr should work. I've used my Panasonic A350P and it works fine.
Erik Walth
August 8th, 2006, 09:49 AM
Hi Tim
Found a use Panasonic like yours on E-Bay. works like a charm in DV.
But my playback get the shakes in HDV. Anything below 1.0 (normal speed) .
I either get the famous blue screen or the picture freezes up, the tape moves though, when I hit play it starts at the right numbers. Do you think this is a settings issue or shouldt I get the firmware upgrade ? My version is 1.02.
Sorry to bother you again but you always come up with the right answers,
Erik Walth
August 10th, 2006, 09:25 AM
When using RS-422A i HDV mode there seems to be no slow advance and slow rewind. Only the capture operation is supported. Thatīs it.
Tim Dashwood
August 10th, 2006, 09:51 AM
Hi Tim
Found a use Panasonic like yours on E-Bay. works like a charm in DV.
But my playback get the shakes in HDV. Anything below 1.0 (normal speed) .
I either get the famous blue screen or the picture freezes up, the tape moves though, when I hit play it starts at the right numbers. Do you think this is a settings issue or shouldt I get the firmware upgrade ? My version is 1.02.
Sorry to bother you again but you always come up with the right answers,
Hi Erik.
Got your email last night.
I don't have the same problem, and I have the exact same firmware. I have set my RS-422 controller type to "TYPE 7." I'm not sure if that will make a difference.
However, because of the way HDV works, anything off-speed may seem a little "weird." I always hit the PLAY button on the A350 as soon as I want to play in real time. The little notch in the centre of the jog/shuttle is not always 100% accurate.
BTW, the DIP switches on my A350 are set to 2356 ON for SW1 and 125 ON for SW2.
Erik Walth
August 10th, 2006, 10:58 AM
Thanks Tim
Knew I could count on you. I had the dips wrong. Now it is working at
shuttle + 0.50 and above, that is good enough for me.
Thanks again I just love this site.
PS: Just delivered some shots to the local tv station. Shot in HDV, through NLE to dv. Pal land. Got the thumbs up ( both ! ) from the quality control. Paolos settings does the trick.
Best regards