View Full Version : Short montage made w/ 35mm adapter

Joey Taylor
July 10th, 2006, 08:59 PM
I filmed a short montage film with the new Go-35sd beta adapter. It is a montage cuut together from when i went golfing a couple days ago.

15.9mb - 1 minute 19 seconds - h.264

- joey

Moises Crespo
July 10th, 2006, 09:29 PM
link down!

Joey Taylor
July 10th, 2006, 09:50 PM

I'm gonna get on that and switch servers. It'll be up in about 10 minutes.

Joey Taylor
July 10th, 2006, 10:23 PM
I put the footage up on my other domain.

I'm running partially low on bandwidth... so if this goes down as well, I don't know what to do. I will not use Youtube that's for sure ;).


Jesse Redman
July 11th, 2006, 12:16 AM

What was the camera?

You did a good job of showing off the depth of field that 35mm adapters are supposed to give. Many of the shots looked like they were converted from film. For a device that is supposed to give a film look to video, this one does an excellent job.

What is the dot in the lower right hand corner?

Matt Egelhoff
July 11th, 2006, 07:26 AM
WOW! Very nice!

Looks Amazing! I was also wondering about the little dot in the corner.
Great job!

Joey Taylor
July 11th, 2006, 08:13 AM
Hi. Thanks for the great comments! Know what's funny? The two moving dots in the lower right hand corner were actually two speckles of dirt on the GG that I forgot to clean. They are gone now. Plus, the image stabilizer was on, and an apparently that is why they move.

Another side note is that I didn't use a 3 chip camera, I'm still a little broke. :)

Jesse Redman
July 11th, 2006, 08:23 PM

I looked at the video again. It is always hard to compare a compressed and 1/4 size video to the real thing. Having said that, the detail looks good (especially for a single ccd camera) and the depth of field is great.

I still think it's a good job.

I couldn't find the adapter easily, on the Internet. Who manufacturers it? Which cameras will it fit?

Joey Taylor
July 11th, 2006, 08:42 PM

Sometime tomorrow I will export the same video but larger for anyone else who is interested.

Thanks a bunch for the great comments as well.

The maker of the adapter is Jim Lafferty. He is around in the Alternative Imaging forum. He makes the Go-35. It is not mass produced at the moment, but will be officially released within the coming weeks. (or around a month, hopefully)

The one I bought was a special beta version of the SD. The standard is only $209!! That is only one and a half weeks of working for me to pay that off :)

He also will be offering a $600 HD model, which is nearly grainless and has very little light loss. It's sharp as hell too!

I personally think the DOF and sharpness of the film I just posted is pretty slick, but that's just my opinion, :)

His website is: - it's not up yet, but theres an e-mail link
Also, it will fit any camera, as long as it has an adjustable/manual focus. The camera needs a step up/down ring to ø58.

- joey

Joey Taylor
July 16th, 2006, 08:04 PM
Hi everybody.

Both of my servers exceeded their bandwidth, and I just received some generous hosting space from a friend on dvxuser.

Anyways, here are the links to the old & updated used with my go-35sd beta:

(sorry about the two pieces of dirt in the ground glass, i didn't clean that before filming.... h.264 - 320x240 - 16mb - 1 minute 20 seconds)

(here is a bigger size clip of the video above.... h.264 - 640x480 - 14mb - 30 seconds)

Again, forgive me for the dust problems, I am getting this solved over the next few days...

- Joey

Ben Winter
July 19th, 2006, 08:43 PM
A couple of issues I have with this adapter are:

The diffuser doesn't diffuse enough--great for a static adapter because it means less grain, but the bokeh is horrible. Less diffusion also means wider DOF which is the opposite of the purpose of the adapter.

The macro is giving it some distortion.

However, these issues can only really be fixed with better components which is a direct relation to $$$ so for a cheap solution I think it's an OK performer.

Throw enough light at any diffuser (aka the SUN) and the grain will go away. I'll be impressed only when I see good indoor footage.

Joey Taylor
July 19th, 2006, 09:23 PM
Thanks? haha

I really don't think the bokeh is horrible. It seems pretty good to me, what about the rest of you, what do you think?