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Dean Sensui
July 17th, 2006, 07:01 PM
...and gave it the old spit test, rubbing it with my finger.


Have you tried the test using FRESH spit? :-)

I tried a drop of water on a TDK disk printed with an Epson R200 and the ink came right off.

However, when I print business cards using the Epson 2200 onto semigloss paper, I can drench the print with water and the ink stays put. Probably as something to do with the type of coating Epson uses on their paper.

If Epson made printable DVD's I'm certain the inks would also stay put.

Mike Teutsch
July 17th, 2006, 07:38 PM
Guys and gals, we just have to realize that our ability to print neat DVD's and CD's from our printers is a gift at this time. The cost of silk-screening is beyond our budgets unless we are doing thousands.

I'm very happy with my $88.00 Epson, and until I'm doing a commercial run in the thousands, I'll stick with it.

Have fun, be honest and up-front with your customers, and if they want silk-screened CD's and DVD's then tell them the price. That will bring them back to reality.

You can spray coat them with clear coats, but I would not bother for the most part.


Ray Boltz
July 18th, 2006, 01:50 AM
I have an HP external Lightscribe burner and love it. It has both Firewire and USB 2.0 ports. True it does take about 30 mins to burn a label, but that is if I include a pic on it. If I just make a simple title it takes about 15 mins. The discs have come way down in price since they first came out. You can find them quite cheap at Wally's World, Office Depot, Staples, ect. I'm not sure if BH has them, or any of the other sponsers here. I get them at the first mentioned places so I don't have to pay shipping. I mainly buy my more expensive stuff on the sponsers sites.

Denis Danatzko
July 19th, 2006, 05:21 AM
For everyone using the Epson printers, go to You can buy a set of cartridges for $18 and they work fine on my R300.

if the ink won't smudge. Any experience with these cartridges and smudging?

I use the R300 with white-faced discs, and would print more/better stuff if cartridges cost less.