Kevin Odell
July 10th, 2006, 11:00 AM
i have used a pc most of my editing career and for the past 6 months used a powermac G5 and now im considering getting the new toshiba qosmio g35-av650 or the macbook pro. the toshiba seems really nice and even some better specs than the mac. i am more comfortable using PC anyway because i noticed i do all my effects in after effects anyway and just put my footage together on FCP or premire. but will this computer be able to handle DV editing? Please help!!! thanks
Kevin Janisch
July 11th, 2006, 12:46 PM
I can't say anything about the Macbook but the Qosmio should be plenty for miniDV editing in a portable form factor, just be sure to max out the ram, 2GB or more.
I've been solely doing all of my video production on a HP ZD7000 (Pentium 3.02GHz HT, 2GB Ram, 128MB video card) for almost 30 months now and it is a workhorse. This includes Premiere Pro 2, After Effects, Encore, Audition, Magic Bullet, Creative Studio, etc. So I've thrown some heavy duty stuff at it including my latest project which has 5,000+ video and audio clips all on external USB drives (using PrPro 2 with many nested sequences), which she is handling quite well, but not without some hiccups here and there. The resolution of the Qosmio is nice as well, you'll definitely need it. If you need portability, I believe it will suit your needs. If you don't, your money may be better spend on a Workstation.
Kevin Odell
July 13th, 2006, 09:56 AM
thanks. the only thing worried about is the toshiba overheating...because i have a toshiba laptop now and it over i dont know if the qosmio solved this problem. at least i know with the mac that wont happen.
Kevin Shaw
July 13th, 2006, 10:22 AM
The Qosmio laptop you mentioned uses a Core Duo processor, which is the same one found in the latest MacBooks and should run reasonably cool.