View Full Version : External PCMCIA reader for G5 tower?

Hans Damkoehler
July 9th, 2006, 11:37 PM
Hey folks,

Long time, no post.

Anyhoo ...does anyone have a lead on a trustworthy external PCMCIA reader that I can plug into my G5 tower to dump off P2 cards? I've done everything through my Powerbook and it's time to do something else, if I can. I did a quick search of the forums and I didn't come up with anything.

Any suggestions? (Besides a P2 Drive/Store)


Shane Ross
July 10th, 2006, 12:07 AM
Only the one by Panasonic....and it ain't cheap:

5 card reader.

Betsy Moore
July 11th, 2006, 04:02 PM
But you don't need to buy anything extra if all you want to do is record directly into a G5 via firewire do you? You just need need a long firewire, no?

David Tamés
July 11th, 2006, 04:35 PM
But you don't need to buy anything extra if all you want to do is record directly into a G5 via firewire do you? You just need need a long firewire, no? That is correct... as long as you have the camera to connect to the other end :-) the advantage of the P2 Drive is that you can be doing ingest while the camera is off doing other things.

Sergio Perez
July 14th, 2006, 12:35 AM
Hey folks,

Long time, no post.

Anyhoo ...does anyone have a lead on a trustworthy external PCMCIA reader that I can plug into my G5 tower to dump off P2 cards? I've done everything through my Powerbook and it's time to do something else, if I can. I did a quick search of the forums and I didn't come up with anything.

Any suggestions? (Besides a P2 Drive/Store)


Hans, cheapest solution would be to get a used 1.5ghz powerbook only for file dumping (maybe for logging even, with P2 log), or any PC laptop with 32bit pcmcia. That should go for about 400 bucks?

Martin Mayer
July 14th, 2006, 02:30 AM
You could investigate these ( - they look like they might do the job, although I must say I'm not sure about G5 compatibility, and I haven't experienced them myself. You could ask them.

BT Corwin
August 3rd, 2006, 10:19 AM
I spoke to them (Qualtech) and their reader only works with wireless cards, no others. And, they only have drivers for Windows.

They have received a few inquiries from MacBookPro owners regarding their wireless cards, but I was the first person to ask about the Panasonic P2 cards.

Scott Auerbach
August 3rd, 2006, 02:14 PM
Hey folks,

Long time, no post.

Anyhoo ...does anyone have a lead on a trustworthy external PCMCIA reader that I can plug into my G5 tower to dump off P2 cards? I've done everything through my Powerbook and it's time to do something else, if I can. I did a quick search of the forums and I didn't come up with anything.

Any suggestions? (Besides a P2 Drive/Store)


You've probably already found a solution, but...

There are a few other threads on this. The general consensus seems to be that your cheapest solution might be an old G4 laptop, used solely for its PCMCIA slot. While there are supposedly Express/34 - PCMCIA adapters on the way, the need to hook a PCMCIA card to a tower is pretty exotic, and unlikely to have a market share large enough to generate a product.

A beatup old iBook, connected to your tower via FW would be the way to go.

Kevin Dooley
August 22nd, 2006, 03:13 PM
I can't find anything about it on their website, so I emailed Amtron to see if this unit:

could possibly work with P2 cards and if they had plans to develop a MAC driver since the new MacPro's have a second external 5.25" bay... I assumed that the new optical drives are still IDE based since SATA opticals are only now hitting the market...

David Saraceno
August 23rd, 2006, 09:36 AM
Why not just use a firewire connect transfer?

That was you don't need to take the card out.

Otherwise, let us know if you learn anything.

Ken Willinger
August 24th, 2006, 09:22 PM
This subject came up at the DVXUser site. There seems to be someone developing a solution. Here's the thread:

Jeff Deveraux
August 25th, 2006, 10:27 PM
Quatec and the like are not MAC compatible. USB card readers will not work. However, this might...

If someone tries it, please let us know how it works out. I don't have any extra cash laying around right now for experiments:)

Hans Damkoehler
August 26th, 2006, 09:43 AM
Why not just use a firewire connect transfer?
That was you don't need to take the card out.
It is so much easier to throw a couple of P2 cards in my bag to take home than to drag the whole camera bag in ... not to mention bringing in and extra $6000 of equipment to a house with three kids and three cats. (Anyone want some cats?!)

Part of my inital attraction to P2 as the compact ease of use. I liked P2 because I DIDN'T have to buy an external deck. It just seems like there should be a less expensive way of getting footage off of them than purchasing a P2 reader or a dedicated laptop. Having to use the the camera seems clumsy to me ... an inexpensive reader for a Tower would be really nice.

Valeriu Campan
February 21st, 2008, 06:06 PM
I was wandering if this type of adapter would work with SxS cards in a PowerBook G4 1G:

I want it only to copy the data from the cards on location.

Dave Beaty
February 22nd, 2008, 09:20 AM
We spoke to the developers at Wiebetec and they told us they were considering adding a P2 reader to one of their external hard drive units. This might be something in the future...if enough people express an interest.

I tried using the 1394 Device mode of our 500 and found that a transfer from the camera and one full 32GB card to the MacPro was averaging 2 hours in the finder. I have not tried using host mode and formatting a drive yet.

The same card plugged in our duel adpator would transfer in about 18 minutes.

Anyone know why there is that serious slowdown?


Tom Klein
March 2nd, 2008, 11:09 PM
Hi Guys
I have imported four PCMCIA card readers to date, two have been succesful in my G4 (PCI) and two were flops, ther'e now destined for the techno scrap heap.
Not to give up, I spoke to another dealer about a PCIe solution just today and he advised that a product that is a rear insertion PCMCIA to PCIe reader is being manufactured as we speak. It will be released in about 4-8 weeks. He says it will read teh Panasonic P2 cards, and it will be under $100.
Lets all hope we finally have a cost effective solution.
If it works as well as my Amtron Reader in my G4 i'll be impressed , and relieved.
i'll keep you posted when mine arrives.
Tom K

David Saraceno
March 3rd, 2008, 10:29 AM
PCI Express means this should work in a MacPro.

Would be it be possible to learn who the manufacturer is?

Tom Klein
March 3rd, 2008, 04:56 PM
PCI Express means this should work in a MacPro.
Would be it be possible to learn who the manufacturer is?

Hi David,
I will post back as soon as I have a test of this card.
Tom K

Tom Klein
March 19th, 2008, 10:57 PM
Hi David,
I will post back as soon as I have a test of this card.
Tom K

Hi David,
I have contacted the manufacturers dealer and I'm told that as the manufacturers perceive there is not enough "market interest" in this PCMCIA to PCIe adapter they are Not going to proceed.
I'm trialing one last combination (a four card reader) shortly, when the remaining product arrives I will post back my results/findings.
Tom K

Tom Klein
April 9th, 2008, 06:55 AM
Hi David,
I'm trialing one last combination (a four card reader) shortly, when the remaining product arrives I will post back my results/findings.
Tom K


I just loaded up bootcamp into my intel macpro with XP Pro SP3 and, my PCIe to PCI expansion case works well (off the Mac's slot 2) , Plus the cardbus card (SIIG) is recognized and XP loaded a driver, I then loaded the Panasonic P2 Driver, re booted and then inserted a P2 card and it came up instantly on the desktop as it should, all work well n fast.

So, an old OS as XP works, but newer OS 10.5.2 leopard dosen't using the same hardware configuration.

The PCIe to PCI expansion case is a great idea for more slots, it's just the Mac OS that let's the operation down.

Also I tried the Elan P111 card, it didn't work at all, it's driver is for XPpro SP1, very old and out of date.
Elan have a PCIe to Cardbus card on their web site , but it's just a mock up that they don't even make, and a huge time waster to anyone who chases it down thru one of Elans dealers.
One wonders if that's false or misleading advertising ?.

Tom K