View Full Version : Just another new guy here!

Don Libby
February 21st, 2003, 06:31 PM
Wanted to say hi to all. I've been in the shadows for the past month or so gathering intel on which camera would the best. Decided that for me the XL-1S was. Reading everything I was able to get my hands on from here and other sources I finally did the deed. I'm the proud new owner of a XL-1S. I'm retiring soon (can't get here fast enough) and moving back home to the SW. I plan on doing a lot of filming in and around the South West (AZ and UT). Thanks for all the help everyone gave me (and you didn't even know you did!). BTW, when I registered the camera with Canon one of the many questions asked was what made me buy Canon - one of the answers was "Other" then I explained about the Watch Dog. Wouldn't have done it without this great site. I'll write more later but first I have a camera that needs my attention....

Rob Lohman
February 23rd, 2003, 05:54 AM
Welcome aboard Don and congratulations on your new camera!
I can imagine you'll need some time to get used to it. The camera
has a lot settings and whatnot.

Good luck on your future projects and see you around.

Phil French
February 23rd, 2003, 05:45 PM
Congratualations on the new camera and your impending retirement. I know the many hours that you spend with your XL1s will help fill the extra time you will have. In fact I think you'll find there aren't enough hours in a day! I don't know what type of stuff you plan on doing but the SW U.S. looks like it has plenty of dramatic landscapes to provide a backdrop for your video. It's a place I would love to visit one day.

Ivan Hedley Enger
February 23rd, 2003, 06:23 PM
Congratualations on the new camera and welcome aboard Don.

Ivan Hedley Enger