View Full Version : Online Distribution For Short Films

Jeff Cottrone
July 7th, 2006, 03:03 PM
Hi, I'm just finishing up a short film (35min) and was wondering what kind of options there are out there for distributing it (paid and/or free)?

Has anyone had any experience with actually getting paid (no matter how small) for putting your short on one of those already established websites?

Could we compile a list of the web sites out there right now that accept short films (with potential to be paid or not)?

Starting with:

What exactly is the protocol for submitting to production companies? Is this like screenplays, in that, you need to sign a release form and make sure they accept unsolicited material?


Don Donatello
July 7th, 2006, 08:36 PM
"What exactly is the protocol for submitting to production companies?"

why are you submitting to a Production Company??
they don't distribute films ... you might try Distributors ? some of the big cable channels play shorts to fill in small gaps -many view/find shorts at festivals.
some distributors you can call em and they'll tell you if they are interested in your type short ...
in general there's no $$$ in shorts - they are usually a calling card to get paying work ... there are many short film festivals all over the world ...

i know several persons that have made shorts and are now Directing commercials ( 2500 -5000K day) ...

Jeff Cottrone
July 7th, 2006, 10:12 PM
Thanks for the reply, Don. Btw, to clarify, I'm planning on submitting the short to tons of festivals and such. But also to production companies, or whoever else in the world will look at it, as a calling card. The goal being to find the money and crew to expand it into an Indie feature.

I also figure if there's any established distribution outlet out there for shorts, I'd love to submit to it and collect a few pennies, if someone will give them to me. It'd be five cents more than I have now.

I guess I'm wondering what other short filmmakers are with their work besides festivals? Any tips, hints, ideas....?

Stephen Jackson
July 8th, 2006, 02:51 PM
For everything about film festival submissions try

You can research festivals and find the ones for your genre they also offer a reduce for festival submissions if you use their website.