Joe Allen Rosenberger
July 6th, 2006, 06:45 PM
Does anyone know how to acheive the "muted colors look"? Many of today's TV commercials have this look to them. I would be shooting with a PD150 and use Premiere Pro and After Effects. I would be shooting in avail. light.
Has anyone done this, and if you have any samples you could post?
Any information is much appreciated!
Glenn Chan
July 6th, 2006, 08:47 PM
You could try this in AE:
Apply an adjustment layer
Apply the color curves filter, make it slightly slightly s-shaped
Change the compositing mode to luminosity
Apply the HSL adjust filter or the saturation filter (whatever it's called)
bump saturation down slightly.
Bennis Hahn
July 6th, 2006, 08:51 PM
I find a lot of this is actually low contrast. Try shooting with less contrast in your lighting set-ups and I think that will go along way. Remember, wen you take away contrast in post, you are trying to create information in the image that isn't really there.
David Tamés
July 6th, 2006, 10:09 PM
For muted colors that look unique and different from simply changing the contrast or desaturating the image, I like to use Magic Bullet Editors (, which offers the choice of creating your own look with their Look Suite tookit or starting with one of the many pre-set looks ( You can analyze how the various controls were set to create each look, making it easy to either start with one of the pre-set looks that's close to what you want and tweak to perfection, or see how certain effects are achieved so you can quickly learn how to work the tools to create your own unique look. Magic Bullet Editors ( is a plug-in that works with Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, Avid, Vegas and Motion. A related product, Magic Bullet Suite ( works with Adobe After Effects.
Kevin Richard
July 9th, 2006, 02:19 PM
Not trying to start trouble but how is using a "pre-set" look from software that does all the work for you, give you a "unique" look?? In reality I believe it has been said time and time again you can acheive all the of RG's Film Look stuff with just a little work and the built in tools in most NLE's and what you get is a truely unique look that renders heaps faster than Magic Bullet does.
Glenn Chan
July 9th, 2006, 08:27 PM
Well Magic Bullet can be unique in the sense that its algorithms are different.
The saturation seems to use HSL math. IMO this is not a very good algorithm, the chroma-based methods are better since (actual) luminance stays roughly the same.
Contrast uses RGB curves.
Their tinting is fairly unique. It does multiple hues.
Haven't looked into their white and black diffusion, but black diffusion is not very common.
Alex Thames
July 16th, 2006, 02:59 PM
Just wondering, but what is the "muted colors look?"
Emre Safak
July 19th, 2006, 02:21 AM
When the colors are muted--unsaturated, restrained. I think some parts of Spielberg's Munich employed this technique to lend a 70's-stock look.
Heath McKnight
July 19th, 2006, 07:48 AM
Those of you with a Z1u or FX1 can just pull the color down and maybe amp up the Cinematone Settings. Blackstretch is optional on the Z1 and may crush the blacks further, giving an even more muted look.