Peter Jefferson
July 4th, 2006, 07:34 PM
do tell... ;)
Mine would have to be the lingerie shoot which the bride got carried away with.. (this was about a week before the wedding.. as a gift to the groom... I'll say no more...LOL
Steve Roark
July 5th, 2006, 06:15 AM
Mother of the bride was my client: Asked me to cut as much of the groom and his family out of the video as possible and tried to buy the raw video tapes to make sure the in-laws would get nothing out of the video. She was angry because they had agreed to share the costs of a huge reception, but they stiffed her. I should have said: "Remember me for your daughter's next wedding." She did recommend me to at least 3 more clients before I moved out of the area.
Rick Steele
July 5th, 2006, 01:04 PM
Asked me to cut as much of the groom and his family out of the video as possible and tried to buy the raw video tapes to make sure the in-laws would get nothing out of the video.Man, that's cold. Don't know if I could've done this. I know what it's like to "technically" work for the person that paid for the gig but still... to minimize one side of the family? These in-laws are off to a great start.
Peter Jefferson
July 5th, 2006, 06:56 PM
my goodness!!
umm.. she was 22, athletic, typical cutie beach babe (pity the groom was a drongo) and um.. very flexible... to say the least... yes quite depressing but you get that..
music and good lighting always helps with these kind of shoots.. as do baggy pants ;)~
Colby Knight
July 6th, 2006, 07:41 AM
my goodness!!
umm.. she was 22, athletic, typical cutie beach babe (pity the groom was a drongo) and um.. very flexible... to say the least... yes quite depressing but you get that..
music and good lighting always helps with these kind of shoots.. as do baggy pants ;)~
Do you still have a copy of this and how much for it? :)
Ian Slessor
July 7th, 2006, 07:20 PM
as do baggy pants ;)~
"Ian suddenly remembers high school.*
I think I'll go now.
Peter Jefferson
July 8th, 2006, 08:12 PM
oh dont get me started on teens.. last night in fact, i shot a wedding of an older couple and the brides daughter (17yrs young bridesmaid) was .. um.. how do i put this...
a very good dancer....
Vincent Croce
July 9th, 2006, 12:13 PM
Once again, where's the clip Pete? I think you're making all this stuff up...;)
Jason Robinson
July 9th, 2006, 05:47 PM
oh dont get me started on teens.. last night in fact, i shot a wedding of an older couple and the brides daughter (17yrs young bridesmaid) was .. um.. how do i put this...
a very good dancer....
I don't know if that means that I am lucky to have had typical wedding dancing and no real hot and heavy stuff. I'm sure that sort of dancing might eventually get around to one of my gigs, but I hope to not have to deal with that.