View Full Version : Mysterious connection point on my XL2

Bill Hamell
July 4th, 2006, 01:00 PM
Below the button battery compartment there is a recessed receptacle.
I have looked through the manual and could find no reference to it.

Could someone tell me what it is, and what it does, please?

Thank you,

Jeff Lanctot
July 4th, 2006, 01:58 PM
That would be a Hex screw in there. :-) Doesn't do anything- except help keep our cameras from falling apart...



Bill Hamell
July 4th, 2006, 02:16 PM

That's a good thing then. :-)

That leads me to my next question, why then the triangle with the lightning bolt symbol?

Thank you,

Jeff Lanctot
July 4th, 2006, 02:19 PM
afaik, that would be the 'universal' symbol for 'don't open this up... you could get shocked.'



Bill Hamell
July 4th, 2006, 02:46 PM
Ok, that is two things I learned today.

It is just a bolt, and if you remove it all the electricity leaks out!! :-)

Thanks again,

Doug Boze
July 5th, 2006, 12:24 PM
Oh, no, no, no! Here's a secret I learned from an electronics technician: Electricity is bunk. Everything is powered by smoke! Yes, the same smoke typically associated with mirrors. Need proof? When an electronic or electrical device fails, smoke comes out. Does it still work? Nope.


Jonathan Jones
July 5th, 2006, 07:22 PM
Well, now the secret is guessed it and the industry is going to be blown wide open. Smoke is an amazing, low cost, high volume, energy source that was patented a long time ago by an associate of my great, great, grandfather's second cousin. It stands for Systematic Manipulator Of Kinetic Energies, or SMOKE for short, and has a half-life of 'always'. In essense, SMOKE is the life-force, or the essense of all electrical devices - and in most cases, the accidental 'release' of the SMOKE through punctures, cracks, or other forms of damage to the device, is often found to be concurrent with the abrupt demise of the device iteself. By contrast, the retention of the SMOKE within the device is thought to be relative to continued, and in some cases, IMPROVED functionality. The best known case of this is the 'smokeless ashtray' popular in the 1970's.

The phenomenon of the smokeless ashtray is based on simple logic. As the device continued to trap more smoke into itself, it functioned with greater and greater efficiency, until eventually it trapped so much SMOKE, it simply evolved. That is why you rarely see smokeless ashtrays in this day and age. Most of them evolved into alternate forms of SMOKE based devices, such as early stepping stones like the Knight Rider 'KIT' car, the flux capacitor, and the 3Ghz PowerPC processor...all of which have been known after a fashion for their unique uses of SMOKE technology.

Hope this helps.

Jimmy McKenzie
July 5th, 2006, 08:01 PM
Gaaaahhhh ... Jon!

When you keyboard the above kind of departure, try to keep it to a few short sentances. Otherwise people might start to develop sterotypes about "video" guys and lump us in with those cellar dwelling types in the basements of abodes with moms living upstairs and having an unhealthy obsession with star trek.

Chris Hurd
July 5th, 2006, 08:16 PM
A Star Trek obsession is unhealthy?

Sorry, my mom's calling me to come upstairs...

Shervin Mandgaryan
July 5th, 2006, 08:19 PM
Gaaaahhhh ... Jon!

When you keyboard the above kind of departure, try to keep it to a few short sentances. Otherwise people might start to develop sterotypes about "video" guys and lump us in with those cellar dwelling types in the basements of abodes with moms living upstairs and having an unhealthy obsession with star trek.

Nooooooooo!!! My brains are SMOOOOKKKING!!!

Bill Hamell
July 5th, 2006, 08:23 PM
What did I start? :-)

Tony Davies-Patrick
July 6th, 2006, 03:16 AM
Beam me up, Scotty...

Jimmy McKenzie
July 6th, 2006, 12:06 PM
Oh we're very clever aliens up here in igloo land ... not only did we attract the attention of the chief moderator we got him to particpate in a string horribly driven off topic when he should have been admonishing such bad behavior. Ha!

So I will bring this topic back in keeping with the founding principles of this fine board. Admire the fine screw for it is functioning perfectly. Now get back to work all of you.
