View Full Version : PTT question

Dave Wallin
July 3rd, 2006, 10:12 PM
I have searched all over and found a lot of "sort of" answers but nothing that directly answers the question(s) I have.

Shooting HDV 720 24p. No problem.
Capture with all of the following - CapDVHS, Vegas, Premiere Pro 2, Main Concept Mpeg Encoder. All capture with no issues.
Drop any of the files captured with any of the above into a 24p project in Vegas or Premiere Pro 2 - no problems.

Now - is there anyway to actually export any sort of HDV out to the BR-HD50 deck? If so please describe step by step the settings to do this. No matter what I try I get nothing. Vegas has no 24p option and I know Premiere pro does not allow for 24p output however Vegas only has ONE output setting for printing to HDV - 30p. It re-renders/conforms the file sfor output with a preset you cannot adjust and nothing is output. I even tried Premiere Pro 1.5.1 with the Main Concept plug in and tried the 24p (cine) setting but nothing outputs. I even tried the Cineform demo and that does not output either. I have tried diefferent settings for rendering but still nothing works for output.

Do I have a faulty deck, am I missing something obvious or did I just blow a few grand on a deck that will not record HDV?

Carl Hicks
July 3rd, 2006, 10:19 PM
I have searched all over and found a lot of "sort of" answers but nothing that directly answers the question(s) I have.

Shooting HDV 720 24p. No problem.
Capture with all of the following - CapDVHS, Vegas, Premiere Pro 2, Main Concept Mpeg Encoder. All capture with no issues.
Drop any of the files captured with any of the above into a 24p project in Vegas or Premiere Pro 2 - no problems.

Now - is there anyway to actually export any sort of HDV out to the BR-HD50 deck? If so please describe step by step the settings to do this. No matter what I try I get nothing. Vegas has no 24p option and I know Premiere pro does not allow for 24p output however Vegas only has ONE output setting for printing to HDV - 30p. It re-renders/conforms the file sfor output with a preset you cannot adjust and nothing is output. I even tried Premiere Pro 1.5.1 with the Main Concept plug in and tried the 24p (cine) setting but nothing outputs. I even tried the Cineform demo and that does not output either. I have tried diefferent settings for rendering but still nothing works for output.

Do I have a faulty deck, am I missing something obvious or did I just blow a few grand on a deck that will not record HDV?

Hi Dave,

The BR-HD50U does record HDV 24p - I have done it before. And, there are users out there who have successfully recorded HDV24p to tape from a few NLE's, like the Canopus Edius, Premier Pro with Cineform, and Avid Liquid Edition.