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Dick Mays
July 1st, 2006, 06:39 PM
I kind of got us off track with my personal message. It is surprising to me how many people have been touched with similar personal circumstances. I'm now hearing all kind of stories from friends and family. A lot of times, people just don't talk about that sort of stuff.

But anyways, I want to get the group focused back on DVC6. That's what I meant by dedicating my next short. My next short will be for the DV Challenge!

When is it going to be? I need somethign to do with my time. My vote for theme would be "loss!"


Chris Barcellos
July 1st, 2006, 10:59 PM
One of my favorite movie scenes is from "The Right Stuff", when Alan Shepperd (sp?) has just wet his space suit, and, if I recall right, Gordo Cooper says, lets quit screwing around and "light that candle". Same feeling about DVC 6. Let's light that candle !!

Rob Lohman
July 2nd, 2006, 03:23 AM
Announcement for DVC #6 will probably be soon. Dylan is just extremely busy at the moment....

Dylan Couper
July 6th, 2006, 10:04 AM
Thanks Rob!
Yup, I'm super swamped for the next 15 days finishing a project. I'm going to put a tentative start date of Thursday August 3rd. I'll probably just be getting back from NYC, and will have 2 free weeks to run DVC6, so it should be perfect.

This is NOT a sign up thread! Expect the real sign up thread by Monday, just want to talk to the sponsors about prizes.



Dick Mays
July 7th, 2006, 09:01 AM
I'm going to put a tentative start date of Thursday August 3rd.

Oooooohhh Noooooo! Blackhat Vega and Defcon that Week!
I guess I'll have to cut short Defcon and redeye back Friday night!
Looking for an excuse to skip last two days Decon anyway.

Owen Bickford
July 7th, 2006, 06:06 PM
is it just me or or does the mind tend to shut down when the subject is announced? In the last two, I didn't get any ideas until well after the deadline.

Scott Cozad
July 7th, 2006, 06:14 PM
I struggled for about four days and then...bam! I had it.

Lorinda Norton
July 7th, 2006, 09:41 PM
is it just me or or does the mind tend to shut down when the subject is announced? In the last two, I didn't get any ideas until well after the deadline.
I hate it when that happens! :)

Maybe you could brainstorm with someone. Or, I've talked with some people who look up the word (theme) in a dictionary and go from there. Personally, I think on it the night it's posted, then in the morning take a long, hot shower and relax. The two entries that have pleased me the most (well, disappointed me the least) came through that "plan of attack." :)

Owen Bickford
July 9th, 2006, 09:27 AM
For DVC i looked up "Spirit." Nothing happened. I think my biggest problem is that I'm a night owl. It's tough to coordinate things and shoot at night. It's usually even tougher to wake up during the day. Hopefully this next contest will be a month long again. At least I had more ideas to shoot down last time.

Michael Fossenkemper
July 9th, 2006, 09:50 PM
It takes me at least a week to charge my batteries. 2 weeks to figure out what i'm going to do. 2 days to clean my lens's. 1 day to get my dolly rolling. 2 days to shoot. 2 days to edit. 2 days to re-shoot. 2 days to re-edit. 2 days to compress the video. 1 day for a wrap up party. 2 days of "boy I suck at video". and then 1 day to upload the video, re-edit, re-upload, figure out where on the web page the video should be.

I hope there's enough time for all of this.

Dylan Couper
July 10th, 2006, 01:18 AM
If I planned on signing up for DVC6, I'd probably be around a computer in the next 36 hours.

Harris Porter
July 10th, 2006, 10:47 AM
Where can I find the rules and requirements for this competition? And will I be eligible to enter though I just joined DVinfo?

By the way, I guess I'm new here, so I'm Harris. Hello, everyone.

Mike Teutsch
July 10th, 2006, 10:56 AM
Where can I find the rules and requirements for this competition? And will I be eligible to enter though I just joined DVinfo?

By the way, I guess I'm new here, so I'm Harris. Hello, everyone.

You sure can join in. The basic rules are about the same and check the posts in the DV challenge forum, then any special rules will be stated in the post which details the theme etc.

Just watch for the post,in "The DV Challenge (our semi-regular contest)"

There is actual a website just for the contest:

Good luck-----Mike

Joey Taylor
July 10th, 2006, 08:20 PM
Should we be hearing anything about the next film contest tonight? If so, will it be in this thread?

Mike Teutsch
July 10th, 2006, 08:33 PM
Should we be hearing anything about the next film contest tonight? If so, will it be in this thread?

Dylan may indeed announce it in this thread, as he has posted to it, but the main post will be in another DV Challenge thread. A starter thead! Just watch for it, as it will be only a couple of weeks off. Dylan is the man, and runs this show, but he is very busy right now. I should be so lucky! I do hope I get one in this time!


Michael Fossenkemper
July 10th, 2006, 10:04 PM
Should we be hearing anything about the next film contest tonight? If so, will it be in this thread?

Basically this is how it goes. I'm only relaying it as I was new last time and the anxiety was a bit much, mostly because I didn't know how it all went.

a new DVC is announced and a signup thread is posted. You have a period of time to sign up, don't feel like you have to catch it the same day it's posted, you have a week or so or more. The date that it will start is given, prizes and sponsors are announced, that's it.

During this waiting time, find everyone you can that is available to help out. Make sure all of your gear is working and laid out. Buy bulbs, tapes, whatever. It's also a good time to make things that you think will help you out on the shoot like dolly's, practicing with that steadicam thing that you could never get to work right, That funky headphone jack that crackles when moved, buying that shotgun mic you've had your eye on for the past 6 months. basically get everything ready to go. if this is too much for you, visit the sponsors and buy the stuff from them. As the date gets closer, line up your actors, sound person, anyone who has agreed to help out and get them all on the same page as to who is going to do what.

Ok, now get your camera out again and shoot some stuff and play around with the footage, it's a long wait until DVC day.

On the day of doom, Dylan announces the rules of engagement. This is the go day, The day you've been waiting for. Now you have to figure out what it is your story is going to be about under the rules of engagement, but you're too freaked out because you only have so many days to get it all done. Your mind goes blank, you stare at the computer hoping that someone will post something to get those neurons firing so you can start your machine that you've had waiting in the wings. day 2, day 3, day 4, why is everyone so calm??? they must be pros... days are clicking away and still no idea what you are going to do. Oh no, I have to start shooting something... hold off, don't pull the trigger yet. solidify your story.(mistake I made on my first go around).

Ok, now you know what you want to do. Fire up the machine and rev up those motors. Pull the trigger.

Oh no, 2 days left until I have to post the final... I'm still shooting, re-writing, editing, my girlfriend hates me, my dog hates me. The actors are rebelling now, they start throwing out ideas and grand schemes to make your movie better. Don't listen, stay on coarse.

Ok, it's as done as it can be. Now how am I going to take my work of art and shrink it down to a small movie??? Oh no, it looks like hell, everyone is going to think i'm a hack. My beautiful work can't be seen on a 320X240 window. Why can't everyone see it in all it's glory??? that scene sucks, I want to reshoot it... I don't have time, 6 hours left until the deadline... how come the link isn't working???? Should I put in on youtube??? black background, white background??? Ok it's up... it's working... still looks like hell...

you email Dylan with the link, you check it 25 times to make sure it works. You have everyone you know check it to make sure it works. 2 hours left... maybe I can fix that scene that I hate??? no, no time. must get sleep.

Week one passes, week two passes. When is he going to post the movies??? I think i'm having a heart attack. First thing every morning... must check to see if the movies are up... refresh... refresh... damn nothing. "No, nothing is up yet, I don't know when, how should I know, I'll check again".

Oh my God, first batch of films are up... yeah.... mines better than that one.... weeee I'm going to win.... Those prizes are mine baby... oh no, that ones pretty good... Damn I knew I should have redone that scene. I still might have a chance... be calm. Next batch are up... I rule, Spielberg look out. Next batch... I suck... I don't deserve to shoot video. Next batch... maybe no one watched these or the last ones. I still might have a chance. Oh no, mines up in this batch... let me start a thread... "Hello, vote for me, thanks".

Ok, I've seen all of the movies 25 times... I have no idea. How many bathroom scenes can there be??? I knew I shouldn't have had a bathroom scene.

Ok, now it's time to vote. That one is great, that one is Ok, that one is better than mine, mine is better than that one, these 4 are really good, oh I dont' known. enie minie, I can't decide.

week one passes... I feel my heart attack come on again... Breathe... when is he going to post the results??? refresh... refresh... "I think we are in the top 5. Maybe, I don't know, I was nice, I didn't have time... I know you said that wasn't you favorite scene...hold on, i'm checking again, nothing. You were good in that scene... don't worry, no one noticed that booger. I'll let you know". week two passes... I can't look, I lost... I know I lost... not only did I loose but everyone is laughing at me. but I had good feedback.... let me read it again... I have a chance, I think. nope...I suck.

Bacially this is how it goes.

Lorinda Norton
July 10th, 2006, 10:21 PM
Sheesh, Michael, I've been doing these for what seems like forever and after reading your post I'm half scared to sign up! LOL!

Not to make things worse, but what will you do if Dylan goes back to the one-week challenge? Hee hee.... ;)

Joey Taylor
July 10th, 2006, 10:31 PM
but what will you do if Dylan goes back to the one-week challenge?

May God be with us.
No but seriously, hopefully it'll be longer!

Michael Fossenkemper
July 10th, 2006, 10:47 PM
Sheesh, Michael, I've been doing these for what seems like forever and after reading your post I'm half scared to sign up! LOL!

Not to make things worse, but what will you do if Dylan goes back to the one-week challenge? Hee hee.... ;)

Kill him....

Lorinda Norton
July 10th, 2006, 10:49 PM
Kill him....

LOL!!!!! Okay, Michael, that's the loudest I've laughed at my computer screen in a long, long time. That is LAST response I would have expected.

(Forgive me, know I love ya!) <--do I look like a suck-up? :)

Dennis Khaye
July 11th, 2006, 11:00 AM
This poses an interesting question though. Are the DV challenges something to get you off your tushie and do something or is it so you can make something you're proud of?

'lil of both?

Joe Carney
July 11th, 2006, 12:40 PM
If I have time, I hope to join this one. Dylan and Rob sort of shamed me at NAB. It depends on how work is going during August, lots of stuff up in the air career wise.

Some day I'll have to tell my embarrasing NAB story about Lorinda, that would be a great short subject if I don't get killed first.

Lorinda Norton
July 11th, 2006, 01:51 PM
Dennis, the answer to your question is "a LOT of both!" You'd never know it, but I enter these challenges with the idea that I'm going to do my absolute best--work on old skills, build new ones, make something of which I can be proud. I ALWAYS fall well short of my goal, but that's okay. The main thing is, we do get off our butts, and we try to tell the best story we can tell. Pretty simple, really. How about those brave souls who enter these 48 hour contests around the country? Their finished works are oftentimes unbelievably good. We're really spoiled here.

Good heavens, Joe; what did I forget? I remember sending a glass full of ice flying off that low table...wait, you weren't there that night! Darn, now you've got me really curious...

Joe Carney
July 11th, 2006, 02:43 PM
Lorinda, I don't think you know it actually happened. It's embarrasing for me, and hopefully funny. Someday...hehehe.

Joey Taylor
July 11th, 2006, 02:59 PM
Hmmm, I'm anxious to find out WHEN the new DVC will be announced, and what the topic will be.

Sean McHenry
July 11th, 2006, 03:35 PM
Wow. I don't know if I feel refreshed or if I should go hide in the closet? We all had at least half of that rather disturbing post happen to us. Some folks here have been in this since the begining. I don't know how they live like that.

I actually like the 1 week time limit. Why - you ask loudly? (stop shouting) Well, I only have to be that stressed for 1 week, that's why. Man, that last one almost killed a few of us off. Then again, maybe that's just what they were planning all along...

The field of competition has been growing at an alarming rate. The first DV Challenge had about 9 entrants as I recall. The last one had nearly 30 I think. At this rate, by the end of 2010, we will need several official judges on each continent to pre screen the several hundred entries. I'm good with that but we are going to have to wait longer and longer each time for the results. Imagine hitting refresh multiple times per hour, for a month. Yikes.

So, my advice is still, NEVER be afraid to jump in with both feet. Good things are happening to quite a few of us who have been in these. Even if we are just sharpening our lighting skills or our ability to intelligably write a real sentance of dialog. It been great for me.

Looking forward to the cold sweats at 2am after compressing my baby into a 320x240 windows media file for 4 hours. No, really.

See you all when it happens,


Scott Cozad
July 11th, 2006, 05:49 PM
So, my advice is still, NEVER be afraid to jump in with both feet. Good things are happening to quite a few of us who have been in these. Even if we are just sharpening our lighting skills or our ability to intelligably write a real sentance of dialog. It been great for me.

I agree. DVC5 was my first competition. I am just a novice at all of this. And the good-natured culture of this competition seemed to be the perfect place to learn. Although my entry had flaws, I was very happy with it and the feedback I received. If you are hesitating, I say jump in. The water is great.

The only time that DVC5 was not fun for me was the four days I was struggling to put an idea together.

Mike Teutsch
July 11th, 2006, 06:46 PM
This DV Challange really saved me! I was reading, aquiring and getting no where.

Missed #1 by just a few days, had a great idea for it, but I did not see it in time. Entered #2 and it started me going. It is a great way to learn and for some, "me", the only way to get motivated. I have learned more participating in these Challenges than any other way. Much thanks to Dylan and the others who help out.

I look forward to the next one, and hope that I will get off of my oversized ass and get an entry in. I actually think the shorter time period is better. Although I thought the last one was cool because we had more time, it kept me going back and forth on options, until I did nothing! One week, or one month, but anything in between is too confussing for me!

I hope that I can come up with one this time.


Joey Taylor
July 11th, 2006, 08:27 PM
This will be my first one. I just bought a 35mm adapter so I'm really looking forward to filming this upcoming short. Obviously I don't know what it will be yet, but this will help get my creative juice flowing.

I'm ready for an announcement anytime Dylan!

Hugh DiMauro
July 11th, 2006, 08:48 PM
The feeling I get with these challenges is that we should not get so bent out of shape that we lose sleep. It's all about the spirit of filmmaking fun. With a one week time limit, I imagine us in "run and gun" mode, laughing hysterically along the way not unlike the Beatles during the making of "A Hard Day's Night." Check out the production stills from that movie and you will see that the DP used those little handheld cameras with little or no attachments. Who has time for matte boxes and sophisticated lighting setups within one week that requires not only shooting but editing, writing and posting? Grab your camera, get your talent together and make your movie. Sure, if we had a month to make our movie then it makes alot of sense to slap on the mini 35 adapter and go high tech. But when time is of the essence, who wants to be fiddling with back focus? I believe Dylan imagined that his challenge had all along been designed with the creation of alot utilizing a little.

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

First and foremost: Have fun making your DV Challenge movie. When you lose sleep or await the droplets of blood to form on your forehead, what's the use? I can get that at work!

Michael Fossenkemper
July 11th, 2006, 09:12 PM
It's all fun and games. I hope everyone knew I was joking. But that doesn't mean I don't take the DVC seriously though. I really put my blood and sweat into it. I like the longer mostly because I suck and the longer time allows me to suck, see it, and try to fix it. If it were shorter, I'd be afraid all I would offer would be suckiness. I don't do this for a living, I have a day job, so the only time I really have is the weekends to focus on the project. I skipped the previous two because I just couldn't pull it together in time. The longer time allowed me to try some things that I never would have if I only had a week. I really feel that trying things and having a look at the them and even having time to go back and rethink and shoot something is where I learned the most. Even then i still felt a time crunch. But that's just me, maybe no one else felt that way. whatever the time limit is, i'm afraid i'm addicted and I will be forced to participate. So if it's short and I suck, don't be too hard on me.

Chris Barcellos
July 11th, 2006, 10:50 PM
If I planned on signing up for DVC6, I'd probably be around a computer in the next 36 hours.

I think he was funning with us...

Dylan Couper
July 11th, 2006, 11:05 PM
I think he was funning with us...

Nope. Just making you sweat a little. :)

Get ready to kill me guys and gals, cause we are back to...

Good luck everyone! The sign up thread is where you would expect to find it.

PS Michael, great post. :)

Meryem Ersoz
July 12th, 2006, 08:05 AM
wow, looky here, the stress is beginning already!

a little pre-suffering, y'all?

DVC6 comes due on my birthday weekend, so i will not be able to make DVC6. since i am turning a whopping 42 on aug. 13, i will need all the recovery time i can get on the 14th! it doesn't get easier....

good luck to everyone. i look forward to viewing the results of all this blood, sweat, and tears. always entertaining!

Meryem Ersoz
July 12th, 2006, 08:10 AM
This poses an interesting question though. Are the DV challenges something to get you off your tushie and do something or is it so you can make something you're proud of?

'lil of both?

ha, ha, ha. dennis, your version ennobles the effort a mite! i wish the goals were that lofty!

the point, pure and simple, is to KEEP OFF THE WALL OF SHAME.

the rest is gravy....

Sean McHenry
July 12th, 2006, 09:54 AM
No sleep, sweating blood, wondering where the grip fell asleep this time, what happened to the dog for scene 3 (and why was his collar in that stew), "No, I said RED LIPSTICK, not DEAD CHICKENS!" - damn cell phones, "No sir, my credit card is not maxed out I paid that 27 cents last week...", what's that burning smell?

Yep, that's film making.

Sean McHenry

Hugh DiMauro
July 12th, 2006, 08:27 PM
Oh Sean, that's filmmaking as well. I guess we all need things to go wrong. Gives us something amusing to write about after the movie is finished.

Meryem Ersoz
July 12th, 2006, 09:34 PM
*kkkkkkk*...paging bradley marlow, would bradley marlow please report to the front desk, please....DVC6 is officially underway....where's my best boy??

there better be a sighting soon, otherwise i will have to sic hugh dimauro and his minions on you.....

Hugh DiMauro
July 13th, 2006, 05:38 AM

Do you mean an official "Help us Find Bradley Marlow" thread? It worked for Rick.

Harris Porter
July 13th, 2006, 11:00 AM
How many people do you guys generally use for a DVC production? Cast? Crew? I'll probably be hitting the record button and running into frame most of the time.

And what kind of equipment does everyone have? Budgets? Sets? Helicopters?

Scott Cozad
July 13th, 2006, 11:49 AM
How many people do you guys generally use for a DVC production? Cast? Crew? I'll probably be hitting the record button and running into frame most of the time.

And what kind of equipment does everyone have? Budgets? Sets? Helicopters?

Crew: 10 and 13 year-old daughters.
Talent (or nontalent): me
Gear: AG-DVC30, Rhode VideoMic, three 120 watt lights from Ace

I'll do the same this time around...only better. Hopefully, I learned something from the DVC5. :)

Kris Holodak
July 13th, 2006, 12:45 PM
How many people do you guys generally use for a DVC production? Cast? Crew? I'll probably be hitting the record button and running into frame most of the time.

And what kind of equipment does everyone have? Budgets? Sets? Helicopters?

DVC5 for me
Crew: me and Mary
Talent: Mary and Blue
Gear: DVX100a, Steadicam Merlin, old Bogen still photo tripod, which was the only thing I had that would go low enough for dog's eye view.
Budget: $0 (I was planning on spending a little on the music but got a coupon in the mail that day. Seemed like an omen.)

Hoping to actually recruit a few more people for 6. At the very least a writer. I'm much better at execution than at coming up with a story.

Rob Lohman
July 13th, 2006, 12:56 PM
My last (only?) DVC entry was just me.... The smaller the timefrime the better
for me. Pressure helps to deliver, at least for me ;)

Hugh DiMauro
July 13th, 2006, 01:26 PM

Not only did Rob do his own thing but Bradley Marlow was a one man production studio and completed an awesomely beautiful movie.

Mike Teutsch
July 13th, 2006, 01:57 PM
My last, DV#5, was me only, camera with moves, acting, and all.


Dylan Couper
July 13th, 2006, 03:52 PM
Every one I've done has just been me and my cheap 1 chip ZR40.

Will it change this time?

Dunno. :)

Michael Fossenkemper
July 13th, 2006, 06:57 PM
DVC30 camera, couple of microphones, home built dolly, 3 500w lights, wideangle lens, edited on my laptop.

Crew- me plus 1 for helping out with the lighting. 2 actors.

Budget- $150 for props, food, tapes, and bulbs, and stuff to build the dolly, aspirin.

This time around i'm hoping to double my crew.

I've since bought some nice do-dads that I hope to use too.

Dennis Khaye
July 13th, 2006, 07:30 PM
I wrote, edited and directed, three other writers, sound man, camera man, lighting man, script supervisor, four actors, one music composer. We used a PD-170 on a Bogden tripod and a home built light kit which cost about $120 (now that it's complete).

I think food was the biggest item on the budget for our last effort. That and the bar bill after the martini shot. $170 total or something close to that.

Harris Porter
July 14th, 2006, 10:38 AM
Sounds like a really wide range. I'm reasonably happy with my equipment, minus audio, though I'll probably just do it Spaghetti-style. I'm definitely looking forward to this.

Rob Lohman
July 14th, 2006, 11:39 AM
You'll be fine Harris! It's a great learning experience, don't forget to have fun!!