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Dylan Couper
July 15th, 2006, 12:22 PM
Every one I've done has just been me and my cheap 1 chip ZR40.

Will it change this time?

Dunno. :)

Oh yeah, my budget for my last one was $110 for a bottle of Lagavulin.

Michael Fossenkemper
July 15th, 2006, 12:54 PM
$110 ??? that seems a bit high. $75 for a bottle here in NYC.

Lorinda Norton
July 15th, 2006, 01:33 PM
I don't even know what Lagavulin is, but if it'll help bring about more of what you gave us last time, Dylan, I'm all for you including it in the budget of your next movie. ;)

Michael Fossenkemper
July 15th, 2006, 04:41 PM
As long as there's no more naked bathtub scenes.

Michael Fossenkemper
July 17th, 2006, 09:54 PM
Ohhhh noooooo. I lost my lead actor and supporting actress to a stupid vacation... drab nater. I'm starting to get a little desperate here. I'm currently training my dog to sit and stare on command. right now she's only doing it when i'm ignoring her and only then it's when something gets close to my mouth.

Chris Barcellos
July 17th, 2006, 11:02 PM
Ohhhh noooooo. I lost my lead actor and supporting actress to a stupid vacation... drab nater. I'm starting to get a little desperate here. I'm currently training my dog to sit and stare on command. right now she's only doing it when i'm ignoring her and only then it's when something gets close to my mouth.

How do you know you need actors? Maybe we are going to be doing still lifes.

Joey Taylor
July 17th, 2006, 11:17 PM
Still lifes? Shoot me.

Kris Holodak
July 18th, 2006, 06:28 AM
Ohhhh noooooo. I lost my lead actor and supporting actress to a stupid vacation... drab nater. I'm starting to get a little desperate here. I'm currently training my dog to sit and stare on command. right now she's only doing it when i'm ignoring her and only then it's when something gets close to my mouth.

I'm all for dogs as actors. But you might end up with a little bit of a moody piece, and you'll probably get fat yourself as you eat all that cheese while she stares longingly at you.


Meryem Ersoz
July 18th, 2006, 10:23 AM
use the dog, by all means! and join in a long-standing (well, okay there's two of us...) lineage of DVC dog movies. maybe dylan will come to his senses and have an all-dog DVC....that'd be a good theme. everyone has at least one dog movie in 'em, except for the cat people, maybe....

Daniel Speed
July 18th, 2006, 10:54 AM
I am hoping to enter the DVC6 contest but some advice for a newbie would be much appreciated.

I've never entered a contest nor have I posted anything on the internet before so I've done what homework I could by following a lot of useful and insightful tips regarding this on this community site from previous posts: from how to find websites that offer free hosting for my submission to reviewing other video submissions made by members of this forum.

My dilemma then comes to my uncertainty of being able to implement this plan. With my limited tech-know-how, I'm uncertain of being able to actually edit and post my submission. More importantly, I do not have a video camera, but what I do have is this itch to shoot and be in production. With a disclosure of my understanding that the contest weighs content over form, I did secure a 1.0 Megapixel camera (Sony DCR-TRV33) from a friend to possibly shoot on.

Given these considerations, I am then asking, would it be responsible for me to sign up for this contest? Being on the wall of shame is one thing, but I don't want to be frowned upon (especially as a new user) on this site for trying to compete in something that's out of my league.

So without rationalizing the situation for myself or looking for sympathy, objectively, there's a rather large margin for failure for me to not be able to put up a finished product as such- from lack of experience not by a lack of effort. But I want to try now and the next contest seems too far away for me.

What would be the best advice for my dilemma? Much appreciated for your time.


Lorinda Norton
July 18th, 2006, 10:58 AM
Short answer, Daniel: SIGN UP!!!

You'll do a great job. :)

Kris Holodak
July 18th, 2006, 10:58 AM
I think you'll get a resounding go for it from everyone here. All you really need is that itch to shoot. If you don't manage to finish this time around you are unlikely to be alone and as long as you make an attempt you'll be further along than you are today. Hopfully with valuable lessons for DVC7.

Lorinda Norton
July 18th, 2006, 11:13 AM
Being on the wall of shame is one thing, but I don't want to be frowned upon (especially as a new user) on this site for trying to compete in something that's out of my league.

Longer answer: There is no league here, as far as I can tell. Everyone who enters knows that we're all just trying to tell good stories while working on our skills, have a good time, and encourage each another to keep trying. You have come to the most inviting and safe challenge on the planet, so try not to worry. Just try to have fun shooting, learning and being part of this great community here, okay? :)

Daniel Speed
July 18th, 2006, 11:40 AM
Cheers, Ms. Norton, Mr. Holodak, thank you for your advice and support.

I will give it my best shot.

Jonathan Jones
July 18th, 2006, 02:24 PM
everyone has at least one dog movie in 'em, .

My contribution to DVC 2 was about a dog whose presence is only 'suggested' in the movie. But my contribution to DVC1 actually was a DOG (aka a real stinker)

Harris Porter
July 20th, 2006, 05:44 AM
Will anyone have a problem downloading the newest Flash player? I'll probably use the Studio 8 On2 VP6, and I'm 99 percent sure that only works in the latest player. Would a few people please alert me if you know you cannot download it or if you simply don't want to...

Also, what's the recommended file size for download in these parts? I can get 6mb per minute with a full-res, high quality encoding. Is 18mb too big for anyone?

Robert Martens
July 20th, 2006, 08:33 AM
That's the spirit, Daniel, go for it! I felt the same way at first, and thought this might be above and beyond my capabilities. It was, for the first few contests, but with a month to finish on the most recent one, I finally got something accomplished. It's a learning experience if nothing else, and you're sure to gain something whether you finish or not.

Ohhhh noooooo. I lost my lead actor and supporting actress to a stupid vacation... drab nater. I'm starting to get a little desperate here.

That sounds like my cue; desperate is my middle name! Not sure if we're allowed to do this, but I'd love to help out if you end up with a part for someone my age. May have to work around my schedule, but I'm always free on weekends, which I imagine is when most of us shoot our entries anyway. Drop me a line if you're interested, I'd like to do some more acting.

July 20th, 2006, 11:38 AM
Will anyone have a problem downloading the newest Flash player? I'll probably use the Studio 8 On2 VP6, and I'm 99 percent sure that only works in the latest player. Would a few people please alert me if you know you cannot download it or if you simply don't want to...

Also, what's the recommended file size for download in these parts? I can get 6mb per minute with a full-res, high quality encoding. Is 18mb too big for anyone?
I prefer downloading the file as either Quicktime or Windows Media. I hate viewing them online on a page. Since there are close to 60 contributions now I might view them all in one streak on a playlist. Perhaps with a couple of beer to accompany me. :)

Mike Teutsch
July 20th, 2006, 11:50 AM
I prefer downloading the file as either Quicktime or Windows Media. I hate viewing them online on a page. Since there are close to 60 contributions now I might view them all in one streak on a playlist. Perhaps with a couple of beer to accompany me. :)

Quicktime, latest version (7), does not play well on some PC's and programs! So just like last time quicktime , older version, and windows will be fine. Just remember that if you wish to use a platform that some can't open and see, you won't get any votes from them, and with this number of entrants it will most likely be one vote per entrant as the last two times. Not my favorite, but a reality based on the number of entries.

One last point, make the movies down loadable, not just view on-line. They may need to viewed many times and we don't have the time to wait 15-30 minutes each time for a fresh download.

Good luck to all-----Mike

Michael Fossenkemper
July 20th, 2006, 03:59 PM
That's the spirit, Daniel, go for it! I felt the same way at first, and thought this might be above and beyond my capabilities. It was, for the first few contests, but with a month to finish on the most recent one, I finally got something accomplished. It's a learning experience if nothing else, and you're sure to gain something whether you finish or not.

That sounds like my cue; desperate is my middle name! Not sure if we're allowed to do this, but I'd love to help out if you end up with a part for someone my age. May have to work around my schedule, but I'm always free on weekends, which I imagine is when most of us shoot our entries anyway. Drop me a line if you're interested, I'd like to do some more acting.

I might just take you up on that offer. I don't know what age you are, but since I haven't written anything, well I can write it for just about any age. hahaha.

Robert Martens
July 21st, 2006, 01:07 AM
Oh, that's right. I'm twenty-two, for the record. Sorry I didn't mention that the first time around. Though, to be fair, I'm incredibly talented, and can play any age; twenty-one, twenty-three, twenty-two and a half, you name it.

Dylan Couper
July 21st, 2006, 09:54 AM
Will anyone have a problem downloading the newest Flash player? I'll probably use the Studio 8 On2 VP6, and I'm 99 percent sure that only works in the latest player. Would a few people please alert me if you know you cannot download it or if you simply don't want to...

Also, what's the recommended file size for download in these parts? I can get 6mb per minute with a full-res, high quality encoding. Is 18mb too big for anyone?

A general tip for everyone:

DO NOT USE the latest version, newest upgrade, or bleeding edge codec of ANYTHING.

It is your responsibility to make sure everyone can see your film, not the viewers. If we go with the same judging system as we did for the last one (which is likely) than you will miss out on potential votes if no one can see your film.

It doesn't matter if the footage doesn't look as good as it could, or the file size is 50% bigger than it could be, just that it plays every time everyone hits that little arrow button.

FWIW 20mb is a fine file size. Some people will do a smaller version, 20mb version and even up to a HUGE version for those who want it.

Harris Porter
July 21st, 2006, 10:50 AM
Thanks. I'll just use wmv or something.

Perhaps with a couple of beer to accompany me.

Make it a six pack and watch my film last. ;;;)

Oh, that's right. I'm twenty-two, for the record.

I'm 22 as well. Our age gives us an edge, being that we're more agile and able-minded than the elders around here. :::)

Mike Teutsch
July 21st, 2006, 11:10 AM
I'm 22 as well. Our age gives us an edge, being that we're more agile and able-minded than the elders around here. :::)


Sounds like a challenge for us old guys!


Daniel Speed
July 21st, 2006, 11:46 AM
Robert Martens,

I must admit to feeling overwhelmed with even just technical aspects of making this short (never mind the creative hurdles) but I take some comfort in your words reminding me that we all have to start somewhere and that we must get practice by application because movies are not made by sitting in a room dabbling about theory and tomorrows. It's the tenacious implementation of ideas that separate film makers from the mass audience.

I mean the bottom line: I’m here to learn. This is a good community.

Robert Martens
July 21st, 2006, 04:17 PM

Sounds like a challenge for us old guys!


Hey, I didn't say it! Heck, I gave my dad a role in my DVC5 entry, and he's two years your senior; old guys are cool in my book.

But hey, if it's a challenge you want, bring it on, grandpa!

Chris Barcellos
July 21st, 2006, 04:28 PM
I'm 22 as well. Our age gives us an edge, being that we're more agile and able-minded than the elders around here. :::)

Yeah, youngsters, don't try to hard, cause you'll make us oldsters feel real bad about things...... in the sunset of our lives.....

Michael Fossenkemper
July 21st, 2006, 06:43 PM
I think I feel an idea coming on.

Scene 1- Camera closes in on boy tieing a knot on some fishing line. Cuts to camera closing in on old man on other side of town staring at a lake.

That's all I have so far.

Ok, who wants to play the 22year old?

What's the theme about anyways? oh that's right, he hasn't told us yet.

Sean McHenry
July 24th, 2006, 09:05 PM
Young pups always challenge the old guard. That's how the process goes. Only one Alpha male to a pack please.

I look forward to soundly trouncing the young lad... As soon as I find my glasses and those teeth. Need to get the seeing eye dog to find my slippers and robe too. Which end of the camera faces the actors?

Oh it's on young feller.

All seriousness aside, if anyone else out there is thinking of doing this for the first time, stop thinking about it, do it. I keep telling myself, lots of people talk about how they could make a video or film. Some even plan it out. I have done it. I just finished a new piece called "Cat Fight at OK and Corral" with 4 real actors, a crew of 6 including 2 car drivers, an EMT, Cinematographer, Director/Producer/Editor (me) and audio person.

I did this last piece, which I will realease to everyone here to view after Aug 7th, directly due to my involvement in DVC2, DVC3, DVC4 and DVC5. They gave me the confidence to get it moving. I have 8 other scripts waiting to be shot and 6 under my belt. I am told I get better each time. It's the best way to learn - do. Heck, it says so right on the official T-shirts. "Better than Film School".

Sign up, shoot, enter, learn, do it again next time.

Sean McHenry

Mick Isdes
July 25th, 2006, 12:14 AM
I may have to get in on this one. Where's the sign up sheet?
* edit* Ooops nevermind found it!

Sean McHenry
July 25th, 2006, 02:13 PM
I stand corrected by the way, the T-shirts actually say "cheaper than film school". OK, that's true as well, unless you do what I did and buy a ton of gear.


Lorinda Norton
August 1st, 2006, 10:29 AM
Today is my 47th birthday. Does that put me in the upper end of the old people division of this Challenge? :)

Mike Teutsch
August 1st, 2006, 11:12 AM
Today is my 47th birthday. Does that put me in the upper end of the old people division of this Challenge? :)

Heck NO!

Six weeks and I'll be 59! You are the lower end, rookie division, of the old people. Uh, but you may have to carry us! And, if my walker breaks I may need some help! :)


Meryem Ersoz
August 1st, 2006, 11:25 AM
Today is my 47th birthday. Does that put me in the upper end of the old people division of this Challenge? :)

47?? holy cow, how do you even ease yourself out of your craftmatic automatic adjustable bed in the morning?? ancient!!

well, i am turning 42 next week. ugh. why is this happening?

happy birthday, to both of us!

Michael Fossenkemper
August 1st, 2006, 04:23 PM
It looks like it should be called OPSVFF "Old People shooting video for fun".

I'm turning 40 in a few months, but I look 28. Really. If I squint my eyes.

Michael Fossenkemper
August 1st, 2006, 04:27 PM
Today is my 47th birthday. Does that put me in the upper end of the old people division of this Challenge? :)

Happy B-Day Lorinda. Andy happy early B-Day Meryem.

Lorinda Norton
August 1st, 2006, 05:27 PM
I'm turning 40 in a few months, but I look 28. Really. If I squint my eyes.
Oh yeah? well...if I put my hair in a tight enough pony tail I don't look a day over 46! ;)

Looks like we'll have enough to start our own over-40 club one of these days. Mike and I already talked about starting a procrastinator's club, but we just don't seem to get around to doing it.

And thanks for the wishes, Michael and Meryem. :)

Chris Barcellos
August 1st, 2006, 05:44 PM
Today is my 47th birthday. Does that put me in the upper end of the old people division of this Challenge? :)

Nope, try 55, 56 this month....

Hugh DiMauro
August 2nd, 2006, 06:08 AM
I wish I can join in on this conversation but I must brew a cup o' tea and watch the Lawrence Welk Show.

Happy Birthday, Lorinda, Meryem and Chris.

Mike Teutsch
August 2nd, 2006, 06:16 AM
It looks like it should be called OPSVFF "Old People shooting video for fun".

I'm turning 40 in a few months, but I look 28. Really. If I squint my eyes.

Yah, if I squint my eyes enough, while looking in the mirror, I can look like 28 too! :)


Jay Silver
August 2nd, 2006, 11:40 AM
As much as I respect amateur video and am certain everyone will try their best, I don't know if I'll be able to handle watching entries for hours on end just to cast my three votes responsibly. I'm assuming, of course, that it was intended to keep the same voting method as last time. Even though it means some videos will get much less exposure, I propose that a committee narrow the field before inviting the popular vote.


(It sounds so formal when I re-read it; try to imagine it said with a smile.)

Dylan Couper
August 2nd, 2006, 12:45 PM
If I had read this earlier I would have made the theme Birthdays... but too late now. :)

Happy birthday(s)!

And Jay, I like your idea of narrowing the field to the top ten and then letting the public vote go at it.

Mike Teutsch
August 2nd, 2006, 01:10 PM
If I had read this earlier I would have made the theme Birthdays... but too late now. :)

Happy birthday(s)!

And Jay, I like your idea of narrowing the field to the top ten and then letting the public vote go at it.


What do you mean it is too late? It's never too late!!!!!!!! I do agree that some knowledgable soul like you and or others needs to narrow the field. It is just too many. We want as many people as possible to participate, but the field needs to be narrowed before judging. 50+ people having to watch 50+ movies, or one or two people watching 50+ films and narrowing it down, the latter seems much better and more practical.

Have a great day Dylan, I'll hoist one tonight just for you!


Michael Fossenkemper
August 2nd, 2006, 01:33 PM
I don't mind watching that many 3 min films. a few a night. That's if everyone turns one in. I bet there will be a lot less that actually make the deadline (including mine hahaha).

Joey Taylor
August 2nd, 2006, 02:24 PM
I think Dylan should post however many films he does every night, like usual. And If we'd like to watch them, we can, if not, we don't have to.

Dylan, the head of the contest, and probably most experienced(?) should decide on the top ten using is MASSIVE POWER in the contest.

Haha. How else could we narrow them down?

I admit, there are a LOT of films.

William Gardner
August 2nd, 2006, 03:12 PM
A suggestion for judging:

Group the films into sets of, say, 12 or so.

Then those 12 filmmakers get to vote on those 12 films. The top 2 or 3 from each group get to make it to the 2nd round.

In the 2nd round, everybody gets to watch all the 2nd round films (which hopefully are pretty decent) and vote for the winner. If there were, say, 50 films initially = ~4 groups, and the top 2-3 from each group make it, this would result in another 8-12ish films in the 2nd round.

This way, everybody has to watch 11ish 1st round films and 8-12ish 2nd round films. Nobody has to watch 50 films.


Michael Fossenkemper
August 2nd, 2006, 03:37 PM
Bill, sounds pretty good, as long as my film isn't in your group.

Dick Mays
August 2nd, 2006, 05:27 PM
Bill, are you some kind of math guy?

Scott Cozad
August 2nd, 2006, 05:37 PM
I believe in DV5 about 50% of the initial entrants actually submitted a film. If the same holds true for DV6 we're talking about 40 films, which is 10-12 more than DV5. That would add maybe two more days of viewing. Not bad as far as I am concerned.

Dylan Couper
August 2nd, 2006, 05:47 PM

What do you mean it is too late? It's never too late!!!!!!!! I

Well, I was going to make the theme "Bikinis" but I guess if you don't want it.... :)

Heh, just kidding, it isn't that.

I'm coming up with a variation of the judging, but I will still be posting 5 films a day, every day, untill they are done. Everyone gets their chance in the sun.