View Full Version : Kyle XY pilot

Frank Granovski
June 30th, 2006, 11:00 PM
Anyone watch this new show? It's X-Files like and looks kind of interesting.

PS: Kyle is not Human. He fell out of the sky. :-)

Nick Hiltgen
July 1st, 2006, 12:04 AM
Frank I think you're just saying it's x-files because krycheck is in it playing his same character from x-files. I kinda liked it but it felt kinda slow or maybe more like it wasn't really sure which direction to go in, we know from the beginning that the kids special do we need to keep seeing him prove it to everyone around? I guess it's better then most other things out now and I did watch the whole episode but I'll be curious to see what the next episodes bring as to whether or not it's a good show.

Frank Granovski
July 1st, 2006, 12:28 AM
Well, it's only a pilot. Perhaps it will get better and paced faster.

Frank Granovski
July 8th, 2006, 12:23 AM
From the Hollywood Reporter:

Technical credits are fine, though the production, filmed in Canada, looks like it adhered to a tight budget.

ABC Family
Touchstone Television
Executive producers: Eric Bress, J. Mackye Gruber, Chris Bender, J.C. Spink, David Himelfarb, Eric Tuchman
Producers: Julie Plec, Charlie Gogolak, Curtis Kheel
Produced by: Richard Heus
Director: Gil Junger
Creators/teleplay: Eric Bress, J. Mackye Gruber
Director of photography: Gregory Middleton
Production designer: Jill Scott
Editors: Steven Semel, Kurt Bullinger
Score: Michael Suby
Set decorator: David Birdsall
Casting: Robert J. Ulrich, Eric Dawson, Carol Kritzer, Coreen Mayrs, Heike Brandstatter
Kyle: Matt Dallas
Nicole Trager: Marguerite MacIntyre
Stephen Trager: Bruce Thomas
Lori Trager: April Matson
Josh Trager: Jean-Luc Bilodeau

Frank Granovski
July 8th, 2006, 05:17 PM
I read that only 10 episodes were shot and they were shot last summer.

Jeff Sayre
July 9th, 2006, 07:23 AM
It is intended to be suitable for the entire family to watch--hence, it airs on the ABC Family channel and not ABC as a primetime show. Given that, I thought the writing was very fresh and pretty clever. It will be interesting to see if the writers can continue this off over the course of season one.