View Full Version : Downconvert HD to DV tape

Ryan Maes
June 27th, 2006, 10:43 PM
Sorry to ask, but I'm have to know....

With the Panasonic HVX200 camcorder, what would produce a better dub to DV tape -- footage shot in 1080/24pa or 720/24pn, or would they produce the same results.

Barry Green
June 28th, 2006, 04:12 AM
Footage shot in DV will produce better DV on the HVX than footage shot in either high-def mode and downrezzed.

The HVX handles all internal processing at 1920x1080 -- even DV. It gets downrezzed when written to the card or tape. So you can get one generation (1920x1080 downrezzed to DV) or you can go two generations: 1920x1080 prefiltered to DVCPRO-HD, and then downrezzed to DV.

Straight DV ends up looking sharper than in-camera downconversion from HD to DV.