John Kaye
February 18th, 2003, 09:36 PM
If you apply the Broadcast Safe Filter on a clip that doesn't need it would it affect its quality?
View Full Version : Question about Broadcast Safe filter. John Kaye February 18th, 2003, 09:36 PM If you apply the Broadcast Safe Filter on a clip that doesn't need it would it affect its quality? John Kaye February 20th, 2003, 02:13 PM I applied the Broadcast Safe Filter on one clip and it took care of the excess luma but the Excess Chroma is still out of range. I thought it takes care of both. Anyone knows how to fix this. Jeff Donald February 20th, 2003, 05:51 PM How are you judging broadcast safe chroma? The filters works on both Y and C at the same time. John Kaye February 20th, 2003, 07:42 PM easy: Click on canvas then go to Range check and check the excess luma , then click on viwere and then go to Range check and click on excess chroma. Now you have both windows showing the excess in luma AND chroma at the same time. Is this what u asked? Jeff Donald February 20th, 2003, 08:10 PM Right, I wanted to make sure you weren't using a monitor to visually check the chroma. The range checker is the way to do it. So when you run the filter, the Y is corrected but C is not, and you checked it with the range checker after running the filter? Are you applying to just one clip or an entire sequence? You are rendering the effect? If you have more than one layer of video are you putting the filter on the top layer? You may want to nest the clips and apply the filter that way. John Kaye February 20th, 2003, 08:34 PM I have up to 23 layers and I am applying the filter to the v1 layer which is the main one that has the problems. I sometimes highlight 3 or 4 clips and then I apply the filter to them sometimes I apply it individually to each clip. If I nest the entire piece and apply it at once then I was told that the clips that don't it will get rendered and will lose some quality as well. Am I doing it wrong by highlighting bunch of clips and applying the filter that way? and for my own eductaion how do you nest an entire project?:) So many questions in one submission but hopefully you will be able to address them all. thanks :) Jeff Donald February 20th, 2003, 08:45 PM With 23 layers you'll need to nest the clips and apply the filter. As you've found out, it won't work properly with so many layers, the filter seems to get confused by the various transparencies in different layers. John Kaye February 21st, 2003, 01:14 AM How about I do this. What if I leave V2 layer empty and then apply teh filter, will that work? also how do u nest! I know it may be a stupid question for you but hwo do u nest? Jeff Donald February 21st, 2003, 05:58 AM The broadcast safe filter does strange things with multiple layers of video. Nesting a clip with filters treats that clip as a subsequence. This maintains the link to its render files even if you move or change the clip later. To nest a filtered clip or group of clips: Select the clips you want to nest in the timeline Choose nest items from the sequence menu or option C. Give the nested sequence a name. Choose frame size from pop up, this should be left alone for DV Select Markers, Keep Effects, and audio Levels with Clip. Select the Mixdown audio box. It there is no audio this won't appear. Click OK The clips you selected are replaced with a nested sequence. A new sequence with the name you specified appears in the Browser; your original sequence clips are in that sequence. Changes that you make to the nested sequence will not affect the render files located in that sequence in the Browser. |