View Full Version : Please HELP!! DVDSP burn error

David Roseland
June 27th, 2006, 02:34 PM
Can somebody PLEASE help me. I am trying to burn a project onto a DVD using DVD Studio Pro 3 and I'm getting the error: "Incompatible Format (0x30, 0x05.)" when it begins to write the lead-in data during formatting. I just got a new spindle of the SAME discs I have been using and am getting the error with all of them. I have used these programs extensively so it's not a stupid error like I'm not importing the right format from final cut (like the pseudo-geniuses in the apple forums suggest.) If you know what's going on PLEASE let me know I'm up to my ears in deadlines!!! Thanx

Rob DuBroc
October 2nd, 2006, 01:56 PM
Can somebody PLEASE help me. I am trying to burn a project onto a DVD using DVD Studio Pro 3 and I'm getting the error: "Incompatible Format (0x30, 0x05.)" when it begins to write the lead-in data during formatting. I just got a new spindle of the SAME discs I have been using and am getting the error with all of them. I have used these programs extensively so it's not a stupid error like I'm not importing the right format from final cut (like the pseudo-geniuses in the apple forums suggest.) If you know what's going on PLEASE let me know I'm up to my ears in deadlines!!! Thanx

Has anyone figured this out yet?? I am having the same issue and need this to work :(

Ernest Allen
October 2nd, 2006, 07:04 PM
I stopped burning discs directly from DVDSP 3 and 4 not only because of occasional issues like this, but also because I usually wish to monitor the functioning of a newly minted disc through DVD Player before actually doing the burn. I don't know what the issue is here underlying your problem, but if you have a copy of Toast, you can create the necessary VIDEO_TS files (and the empty AUDIO_TS folder) by choosing "Build" instead of "Build/Format" or "Burn" in the DVDSP menu. Once the TS folders are created, drag them into Toast as data files, select the DVD-ROM format, and burn from there. Hopefully you can avoid the "Incompatible Format" message by creating discs this way until someone comes up with a better answer.

Kevin Calumpit
October 2nd, 2006, 08:37 PM
I would suggest double checking your Prefences maybe one of your settings is set to Dual-Layer or you might have a region not selected.....or 8cm disc instead of 12cm um double check all your footage all your of them could be 16x9....but just go through and check in the log and see what warnings and errors your getting. Sometimes in the log its says where the error is occuring...I know ive had this problem before but i cant remember how i fixed it off the top of my head.

Mike Flynn
October 7th, 2006, 12:08 AM
Can you burn video DVD's from any other program? Reason being, my Superdrive crapped out on my G5 after two years or so and I found like hundreds of people on the Apple discussion forums with the same problem. The Superdrives just all went bad (only for burning DVDs, everything else was fine). Unfortunately there is no fix...I bought an external Lacie DVD Burner.

Dave Perry
October 7th, 2006, 08:11 AM
I always make a disc image from DVDSP then burn that to disc with toast. If you don't have toast you can burn from the finder, I think, or either Disc Utility.

Nate Schmidt
October 7th, 2006, 11:28 AM
If you don't have toast check out the free app called Liquid CD it can burn images and other stuff, it's not quites as full featured as toast but its free.