View Full Version : new hd100 - have some ?s

Jonathan Nelson
June 27th, 2006, 01:00 PM
Well I just got my hd100, and I am very pleased with it so far. I noticed it didn't have an "a" at the end of it's serial number, is this normal? I bought it brand new from bh like a few days ago so I figured it would be the updated version.

I tried to induce sse and I found it pretty easy by focusing on a low lit wall and sure enough, it was there. The sse was barely noticeable at 9db but it is clearly noticeable at 18db.

I am hoping that this is the current "A" version. I will have a cow if it is not. The camera is pretty impressive however, and I was surprised how well built it is. I am thinking about giving the mic to my dog as a chew toy though ;)

Anyways, I hope you guys can give me some feedback about this "A" serial number thing. I thought it was supposed to be added to the serial number but hopefully I am wrong.

Jonathan Nelson
June 27th, 2006, 01:16 PM
ok, I guess I should do a little research before starting this thread. The camera's serial number has no "A" on it anywhere, but the box clearly says "hd100u (A)" which I am guessing means it's current.

I am happy now. The only way I can make sse show up is by focusing it on a blank wall and turning up the gain. I tried doing it in a normal situation and nothing comes up that I can see.

I guess I am always expecting to get a dummy. My next test is to see how bad the CA on the stock lens is.

Steve Benner
June 27th, 2006, 02:39 PM
Underneath the camera is the Serial Number...Next to it should be the (A).

If not, I suggest you talk to B@H. I can't see any of their JVC's still being the old models.

Jonathan Nelson
June 27th, 2006, 03:05 PM
there isnt an "a" on the serial number under the camera.

Mark Silva
June 27th, 2006, 03:27 PM
You should definitely send it in asap for the A upgrade then.

in addition A upgraded cams usually have a sticker on the tape door (top center)
that says "push here"

Very worth it!

While on the subject of gain I find 18DB completely useless as its very noisy.

15 DB is not that bad

9 DB is amazingly clean!

Jonathan Nelson
June 27th, 2006, 03:51 PM
You should definitely send it in asap for the A upgrade then.

in addition A upgraded cams usually have a sticker on the tape door (top center)
that says "push here"

Very worth it!

While on the subject of gain I find 18DB completely useless as its very noisy.

15 DB is not that bad

9 DB is amazingly clean!

I just found the sticker- DOH

I knew there was something up because the box has the "a" on it
I actually thought it was apart of the serial number.

I am going to play with this some more and post some screen grabs later to see what you guys think. I already have a bunch of scene files loaded on it

Such a neat tool! Truly beautiful design.

Mark Silva
June 28th, 2006, 11:53 AM
Paolo's true color v3 is outstanding.

I shoot just about everything with that nowadays.

Gary Williams
June 28th, 2006, 07:42 PM
Paolo's true color v3 is outstanding.

I shoot just about everything with that nowadays.

Me to just shot some footage in Yosemite it was outstanding the color was unbelievable my neighbor couldnt believe it.

Paolo Ciccone
June 28th, 2006, 08:00 PM
Thank you Mark!