Brian Duke
June 24th, 2006, 07:59 PM
I am not sure if this is the right forum, but does anyone know or have any experience in shooting with Super35/Anamorphic lenses and then exporting to FCP to get true 2:35.1 Cinema scope? I am thinking of using Anamorphic lenses on my shoot and then desqueezing the footgae when I transfer to FCP5. Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated.
Kenn Christenson
June 26th, 2006, 10:04 AM
So, you're thinking of using anamorphic lenses with a 35mm adapter on the HD100?
Anamorphic lenses designed for 35mm cameras squeeze the image by a factor of 2 so you'll wind up with a roughly 3.5:1 aspect ratio. I guess you could chop off the sides, but then you'd lose resolution in doing so, not that you don't lose res using anamorphics in the first place.
I know it's not as sexy, but consider just doing the old crop from 16:9 to 2.35. This method is far easier to accomplish and gives you the opportunity to reframe those hasty shots we all, inevitably, get.
Note: Canon does make an anamorpic adapter to get 2:35 in 16:9, but it's for B4 mounts and is quite the hefty piece of glass.