View Full Version : Bella keyboards

Stephen Knapp
June 24th, 2006, 05:35 PM
What are your opinions on using a Bella keyboard that's specific to a particular NLE?

I'm considering getting one for use with Adobe Premiere Pro, but I'm not sure how well it will work with PPro 1.5.1 or PPro 2.0. Nor am I clear on the advantages/disadvantages of using a special board like that. There's a jog switch on there, does it really run the jog feature in the program? Does it work for scrubbing on the timeline?

What kind of experience do you have with it?

Paul Cascio
June 24th, 2006, 06:15 PM
I've got the Vegas version. Lots of money for not much function. The shuttle isn't thaat great - very small. A set of stickers for your keys, or new key caps would be just as good at a huge savings.

Gary Gonsalves
September 13th, 2006, 04:27 AM
Like most people I started out by going to the drop downs, then I started to remember some short cuts. I now have that model keyboard for PP2 and am starting to get used to it. It seems to save a little bit of time.

Tyson Persall
September 19th, 2006, 11:06 AM
A better option is to buy a shuttle controler like the ShuttlePRO2. This is one of my must haves for editing. After you memorize the buttons editing is much faster. I feel crippled if I have to edit with out a shuttle controler now.
Nothing could be better, no keyboard can come close.

Ben Winter
September 21st, 2006, 09:31 PM
I bought the ShuttlePRO2 after reading this post and love it with a passion! Thanks!

Tyson Persall
September 21st, 2006, 10:29 PM
Thats great Ben. Just learn to memorize a few buttons at a time and eventually you'll be changing tools and assibling clips without even thinking about it. -
They should really advertise the shuttle pro 2 more. I never really see advertisements much. I hope the company is doing well. Practicly anyone visiting this this site needs one.
PS: youll probably want to change the buttons around. the default layout didnt suit me as well as when I customized it to the ones I use the most.

Frank Hool
September 22nd, 2006, 01:44 AM
I am thinking about purchasing one. It should solve most annoying thing in AP. It's floating toolbox. I hope i can close it and choose tools from kb whithout mug them.

Ben, is it ( Your keyboard?

Anyone knows what Bella Premiere/Pro Clear Stickers for DV Keyboard with Jog Shuttle ( I guess, i understand what stickers are. But how Jog Shutlle is implemented separately from keyboard?

There is another thread ( about Bellas.