Chris Barrow
June 23rd, 2006, 12:04 PM
I am considering a move with my real job to Wilmington, NC. Just wondering how many of you guys/girls are in that area and what is the audio/video production, recording, duplicating business scene like?
Actually, this will be a large part of my consideration to move. My video business here has really taken off to potentially be more than just a part time job.
Tim Brown
June 23rd, 2006, 12:09 PM
What tha heck is up with everyone moving to Wilmington?! Did I miss something?
Sorry if you're not in the loop Chris, but it seems that a few industry types have relocated to the very humid North Carolina Wilmington area. Perhaps they'll chime in with their thoughts.
Steven Davis
June 23rd, 2006, 12:41 PM
Chris, I lived there about 3.5 years prior to 1999. I know that there were/are many opportunities to help starter bands with audio/visual. There is also a movie studio there, and many movies have and are filmed in Wilmington. The 'GREAT' University of North Carolina is there, so that helps keep the economy contemporary.
The traffic in the summer is [insert explicative], along with the heat.
I loved living there, it's a very touristy town, with many many many many yankees. For the record, I love yankees, but the volume in Wilmington helps it stand apart from most 'southern' towns. Wilmington does not have your typical southern feel.
I have a friend who has a lot of musical contacts down in Wilmington, so if you move there, I can hook you up with him.
Greg Boston
June 23rd, 2006, 12:45 PM
My son is stationed at Camp LeJeune and they went on a studio tour at Wilmington. One of the shows on the WB network is supposedly shot in that studio. I can't remember what show it was.
Steven Davis
June 23rd, 2006, 12:58 PM
One more thing, don't run red lights, they have cameras. I just happen to know this.
Chris Barrow
June 24th, 2006, 06:24 PM
Yes it does appear that it is a popular place. Having lived in central NC all my life, I am familiar with those HUMID summers. We have wanted to move there for about 7 years now. I just didn't expect that my videography business would start out so succesfully. I would sort of hate to move somewhere that thet market is flooded with that type of service.
thanks for any input guys.
Chris Barrow
June 30th, 2006, 09:26 AM
anyone else?