View Full Version : Filmmaker in Beantown

Dennis Stevens
June 22nd, 2006, 06:12 AM
I've posted a bunch on this site, I thought I should write the intro.

I live right outside of Boston, Massachusetts (nicknamed Beantown). My main interest is narrative fiction filmmaking, though I've been doing some event videography.

I have a small cadre here that have done a couple short films, and gotten them into some festivals. We're now gearing up to do our first feature film.

I see a couple other folks on the board from Boston, Brookline, etc. Feel free to give me a shout.... I just sold my DVX100A to a friend, and got a JVC HD 100UA. For editing I'm an Adobe/Windows shop.....

Subjectwise I love the character driven indie drama pieces... That's what I like to see myself. And filmwise, taping 3 people in a room talking is easier than helicopters exploding.... and just as interesting, if you do it right.


Rob Lohman
June 23rd, 2006, 06:34 AM
Hi and (a belated) welcome aboard (H)DV Info Net Dennis, good to have you with us!

Thanks for you intro,

Emre Safak
June 23rd, 2006, 07:55 AM
Hey homie, where were you on my last film? I got another coming up after the summer. If you want to join forces, I'm right here.

Jay Barnes
June 30th, 2006, 08:00 AM
Hello Dennis. Hello Emre. I'm a metro west Boston filmmaker as well. I'm working on docs rather than narrative fiction. I have a JVC HD100 and edit on Windows Avid. I'll shoot you an email....


Emre Safak
July 1st, 2006, 07:44 AM
That is nice. I shot a documentary two years ago but I still have not edited the footage (because it was unscripted). I'm shooting a short after the summer. If anyone is interested in teaming up, I would gladly accept any assistance, in return for the same. Now it's time for me to soak up the sun!