View Full Version : Tiffen MegaPlus Lenses (Converters) have arrived!

Steven Khong
February 16th, 2003, 08:59 PM
Hi, all! Check out this new range of Tele 2X and WideAngle 0.75 converters from Tiffen., available in 43mm!

Like Frank mentioned in another post, Tiffens are VALUE FOR MONEY. Especially if they live up to their quality claims with their new range - see - click on the Press Release link and also the Fact Sheet link)

Hey, Frank, was it this new MegaPlus range that you tried out in the shop? Or was it the "old" ones? Were the old ones zoom through & multicoated?

Anybody tried them yet?

I emailed Tiffen regarding zoom through & multicoating, here's their reply:

Lori Hallas <> wrote:

From: Lori Hallas
To: 'Steven Khong'
Subject: RE: Tiffen MegaPlus 43mm wideangle + tele questions
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 09:28:27 -0500

Good Morning,

These lenses are coated for different elements.

You cannot "zoom through". This will in most cases cause vignetting.

I hope this information is helpful to you.

Lori Hallas
The Tiffen Company
Customer Service Rep.

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Khong []
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 12:51 AM
Subject: Tiffen MegaPlus 43mm wideangle + tele questions

Hello! My name is Steven Khong, and I am interested in buying, but want to ask a few questions about your Tiffen MegaPlus 43mm wideangle & 2X telephoto.

1) Are the lenses multicoated for all the elements?

2) Can I "zoom through" the wideangle & telephoto? i.e. will I be able to use zoom from 0x, 1x up to through the whole range?

I have a Panasonic MX300, but I guess you can test on any Panasonic ND series (consumer range) to see if they are zoom through.

Thanks in advance!

Frank Granovski
February 16th, 2003, 09:55 PM
I tried the Tiffen's basic 43mm wide angle lens. It's .5 something (can't recall). The glass looked as good as Zeiss glass from my eyes---no aberations (from the edges), nor bubbles---just nice clean clear glass with a polished metal housing. Oh, and it zooms through pretty good, from what I could tell. (Yes, and filter threads too.)

I'll try to find out about the coatings.

Frank Granovski
February 17th, 2003, 05:51 PM
The Tiffen adaptors are multi-coated.

It seems that the Pana adaptors have the best zoom through - but no filter threads.