View Full Version : Your Favorite Books

Dennis Hull
February 16th, 2003, 07:23 PM
To help get me started in the right direction (from all the posts I recognize there is no substitution for just trying things out) what books would you recommend for video shooting techniques (framing shots, how to compose action shots like car races, etc). I am advancing hobbyist just moved up from TRV 9 to VX 2000. Any good after work hours course work anyone knows about in St.Paul, MN area? Just want to take better "home movies." Thank you for your advice.

Ken Tanaka
February 16th, 2003, 10:35 PM
Welcome to our "Read About It" forum! You'll find plenty of similar questions and answers here.

My personal recommendation per your query: "The Little Digital Video Book" ( An inexpensive, entertaining read stuffed with wonderful practical advice for making better home / amatuer videos.