View Full Version : HD Link convert bug

Marc Colemont
June 17th, 2006, 11:12 AM
I downloaded the latest update for the AspectHD 4.1.12 hoping the convert bug was solved in HD link. But it even got worse.
I can't get the HDlink to convert more then one file at the time. Selecting more does result in a lock of the software.
I use HDV-rack frequently to capture footage while checking the vector and waveform scopes. So I have already the clips available in my system in m2t.
It's a hassle recapturing everything again with HDlink because I cannot convert what I already have to Cineform AVI.
Any news on the horizon from Cineform for this bug?

David Newman
June 17th, 2006, 12:50 PM
It must be something HDV-rack is doing to product slightly different M2T files. As nothing has changed is the M2T handling with Aspect HD. Use to email two (small) M2T files that have this problem to and we will test to see why these files are different.

Marc Colemont
June 17th, 2006, 02:06 PM
It must be something HDV-rack is doing to product slightly different M2T files. As nothing has changed is the M2T handling with Aspect HD. Use to email two (small) M2T files that have this problem to and we will test to see why these files are different.

Hi David,

Thanks for the quick reply as always.
I will post two files on my ftp and send you the link.


Christopher Glaeser
June 17th, 2006, 02:15 PM
I use HDV-rack frequently to capture footage while checking the vector and waveform scopes.

I use HDV-Rack to capture and HDLink to convert. I have a relatively new laptop, but it's not fast enough to monitor and scope and capture all at the same time without some problems. I use the monitor and other features to get everything right, and then turn them all off during the capture. Don't know if this is related to the problem you are reporting, but you might give it a try and see if it helps. Of course, David will also know if your m2t files are corrupted, so pursue that route as well.


Marc Colemont
June 18th, 2006, 01:56 AM
Yes, but it happens with all clips I ever tried...
And they playback fine in HDVrack.


David Newman
June 18th, 2006, 10:31 AM
Thanks for the files. Unfortunately (or fortunately) they work fine here. Might be a setup issue.

Marc Colemont
June 18th, 2006, 02:52 PM
Thanks for the files. Unfortunately (or fortunately) they work fine here. Might be a setup issue.
Hi David,

Thanks for testing. The files itself I was pretty sure they worked.
It's when I convert multiple files at ones from m2t to AVI that the HDLink software stops after doing the first file. The logging shows the first file is done, but doesn't start doing the other files.
I did reinstall the software several times including the registry and directory files to see if that makes a difference. Do you have debug version I can run for example for you on my machine?

David Newman
June 18th, 2006, 10:11 PM
I need files that fail like you say. Do you have two files that will not convert correctly -- stop after the first?

Marc Colemont
June 23rd, 2006, 07:22 AM
I need files that fail like you say. Do you have two files that will not convert correctly -- stop after the first?

Hi David,
After doing some more tests today (I'm on location) I installed the AspectHD on two more computers (demo 15 day trial) and tried the conversion again with some m2t files I copied from my laptop.
On my other computers it converts 2 files and then stops converting.
On my laptop the count is 1 file. Could it be that installing older versions like 3.x can have influence on these systems?
Is there a way to really wipe 100% the installation?
Another thing I will try is to capture m2t files first through HDlink and then convert a bunch at the same time to double check if the HDVrack m2t files are causing the throuble or not. Normally by this evening when I get back home I have more news after capturing files in HDlink.
Regards, Marc

Webb Pickersgill
June 26th, 2006, 10:32 PM
Hello. I am having a similar problem. I have a bunch of M2T files I coped from a DR-HD100 DTE device. It converted about half of them, then just stopped. No errors or any other indications of problems. I re-selected the files not converted and hit Start. It converts a seemingly random number of files then stops.
HDLink App version 1.5
AspectHD Version 4.1.1 Build 59

Any thoughts?

Nick Outram
June 27th, 2006, 04:18 PM

I have the same problem but posted under a scene split thread when really it seems to be a random number of m2t->avi file converts that fail... I have a new Asus a7j laptop...

Sorry difficult to post but just thought you should know a problem exists -I have sent error report to Cineform when killing App.


Marc Colemont
July 1st, 2006, 11:04 AM
I did some more tests David.
I captured video through HDlink with the setting to keep de m2t files.
The captured video is perfect both Cineform AVI and m2t files.
When I import the m2t files in the HDlink seperatly and press 'convert', it does the first file and or second file and then stops and hangs. So definatly there is someting going on.
I'm about buying a DR-HD100 firestore, I will be blokked converting the m2t files this way. So if you need more info or files let me know.

Wayne Johnson
July 7th, 2006, 10:49 AM
I've been reporting the "converts some and hangs" problem. A few months ago, Cineform told me I was the only one with the problem and to not submit it anymore. I now use HDVSplit and selectively convert with HDLink (until it hangs).

Marc Colemont
July 12th, 2006, 02:19 AM
I installed AspectHD (trial) on a brand new computer, copied some m2t files made with HDlink and converted a batch of files.
This time I got an error message in the log file after converting the first file. So the second and other files didn't convert further.
This is the error:
Got EC_ERRORABORT notification -0x80040228

I also re-opend the old trouble ticket with this new info.

David, do you need more files from us or computer info to track this down? I will switch soon to a HD-DR100 Firestore on my HD100 which records in m2t. Then I will heavily need a fix for the HDlink tool to convert all my footage to CineformAVI.

David Newman
July 12th, 2006, 08:27 AM
We have made progress (we hope) on this. A fix is in build 73 (version 2.2) of Prospect HD, and that we added to Aspect HD soon. Likely before the end of next week.

Michael Stewart
July 12th, 2006, 08:55 AM
I too have been having the same problem, I don't know how much of a hassle it would be, sometimes we all do not necessarily use the same procedures with Aspect, the other day was the first time I tried to do a series of converts in HDlink, only then did I know of the problem, just because no one else reports the problem, does not mean that it does not exist, although you can't use up time and resources to track down what only one person is experiencing. I am sure that if Cineform, put the word out for us (users) to check out a certain procedure to see the results, we would be happy to do so, we all want this to continue to be the best solution out there, I guess I feel that would be a better approach than "quit submitting the problem" if that is in fact the statement made, just some thoughts to be solution minded.


David Newman
July 12th, 2006, 09:02 AM
In my last post I mentioned we do have a fix that will available shortly.

Michael Stewart
July 12th, 2006, 09:59 AM
Hi David, I read about the fix, as always you guys are on top of things :), I was addressing the fact on the statement that "quit submitting the problem", your the only one that has it, I was just making the point we don't all use the same workflow and that because only one person has the problem, does not mean it does not exist, we, I am sure, would all pull together to test these problems, if we knew about them, also, I understand that we could do that on our own just by reading the post and trying it, but a sticky or something from Cineform to ask us to test would be more focused, I am sure you are only limited to the systems you have on hand, while we, as a group have several thousand. Like I stated, just offering some thoughts and solutions. I have been following Cineform for quite awhile, and from the posts it does seem that your energy is wearing thin lately, as I am sure with the growing popularity comes more work, time and effort, not being critical, just letting you know that I understand. Keep up the great work and keep your sanity!


David Newman
July 12th, 2006, 11:09 AM
Yes, we have huge projects happening right now, sorry if it sounds like my "energy is wearing thin lately." It is frustrating to do a lot of support while working on the next big feature. We have just added a new full time engineer so instead of 5 projects at a time I maybe able to work on just 3 or 4. :)

Marc Colemont
July 12th, 2006, 02:39 PM
Hi David,

I tried it to reproduce it on several computers to make sure it was not coming from my sole Laptop which had already a few version updates of AspectHD. I was suspecting a problem was coming from there first.
Great to hear you found a possible cause. If you need help in betatesting a fix let me know.

Nick Outram
July 13th, 2006, 04:24 AM
Yes, we have huge projects happening right now, sorry if it sounds like my "energy is wearing thin lately." It is frustrating to do a lot of support while working on the next big feature. We have just added a new full time engineer so instead of 5 projects at a time I maybe able to work on just 3 or 4. :)


I have 7 projects on right now but it good to hear the Yanks are pulling their weight ;o)

Will the fix be available for HDLink (part of ConnectHD/Vegas) bundle? (I mean -do you think you have found something universally wrong with the capture SW)

Nick. [UK]

David Newman
July 13th, 2006, 08:54 AM
Who's is a Yank here, I'm Australian. :)

The error is in HDLink which is shared between all our PC applications, so the fix is universal and should be available sometime next week for Connect and Aspect HD.

Pete Bauer
July 13th, 2006, 09:25 AM
Hi David,

I wonder if you might tell us specifically what significant bug fix(es) are slated for the next build releases, either here or as an update to your web site product pages?

In my case, I've had a number of glitches (some definitely Adobe, some definitely Cineform, and some unclear) throughout the process as I've been working through several projects recently. Might save both Cineform and myself having to deal with some trouble tickets if I see that a problem is about to be fixed anyway. I'm sure many others would also greatly appreciate a listing of the pending fixes. Thanks!

David Newman
July 13th, 2006, 09:40 AM
File the trouble ticket if you think you found a bug -- that the way we get to know about them. We don't hold on to bug fixes very long, that tend to get released within a couple of weeks of the fix so there is little value in report on the web site of pending fixes as that data is so fleeting.

Pete Bauer
July 13th, 2006, 09:50 AM
So I'll take that as "no" you aren't telling us what bug fixes are in the upcoming build?

David Newman
July 13th, 2006, 10:05 AM
We list the bug fixes in the readme of each new release. If we updated the web site for every pending change it would slow us down -- name a company that does that? I saying you really don't want what you are asking for as is of no great benefit.

Pete Bauer
July 13th, 2006, 01:42 PM
Well, even though I'm just a customer I have to respectfully disagree with your perspective on bug notices. But I'll take the discussion off-line and email you guys privately. Looking forward to the next build.

Marc Colemont
July 14th, 2006, 01:50 AM
Pete, in reality what you ask is not praktical.
When a software team is bugfixing and adding new features to a software package it's depending on when they release another build to the outside world, one can see which bigfixes are addressed already in that version.
Otherwise it would introduce a big confiusion. I rather prefer to read the release notes to see what is been added and fixed.
Also new bugreports need to be analysed first to know if it is a user mistake, an isolated problem due to a mix of software on the user platform, or a repeatable bug which then can be traced. This takes time and effort from a software team. So placing any possible bug on a website before it is fully addressed is therefore not pratical.

Pete Bauer
July 14th, 2006, 06:03 AM
There is a difference between detailing every little bug report in real time which no company would or should do, and acknowledging significant "known issues" and giving customers a status which many if not most companies do (even Microsoft!).

Cineform and I communicated privately at greater length yesterday. Let's leave it at that and see what the upcoming build has to offer.

Marc Colemont
August 8th, 2006, 10:09 AM
Any news for a possible update?

Heath Vinyard
August 14th, 2006, 09:43 AM
Just wanted to dump my info in here as well. This is with Connect HD both ver 2.1 and the upgrade to 3.04. Seeing the same thing with converting files from the DR-HD100 firestore. It works for sometimes up to 4-5 files. Very random, but have not been able to convert more than 5 in a batch convert.

David Newman
August 14th, 2006, 09:56 AM
The fix has been in beta for a while. We are planning to role out updates to all our products in the next weeks.

Marc Colemont
August 17th, 2006, 11:47 PM
Thanks David for the news.

Wayne Johnson
August 18th, 2006, 10:44 AM
I too welcome the good news (even though I've been told for a year that the bug doesn't exist).

Marc Colemont
September 4th, 2006, 11:08 AM
Any news on the horizon?
I'm willing as I said before to testout beta software.
I have 300 files waiting to be converted! I'm getting a bit desperate here...

David Newman
September 4th, 2006, 11:24 AM
Yes there is non-public beta for 4.2 that I'll email you. We hope to do public with a beta (here on this week. There are a lot of subtle improvements.

Marc Colemont
September 20th, 2006, 02:06 AM
Thank you David and the rest of the Cineform team.
It works perfect now. Now I can start thinking of going tapeless for my next projects together with the harddisk recorder and full use of HDVRack.

David Taylor
September 20th, 2006, 07:48 AM
Marc, thank you for the feedback....