Matthew de Jongh
June 17th, 2006, 09:19 AM
this summer i'm going to be doing sound for a movie that is being shot with a canon h-1
has anyone worked with this camera and if so do you have any tips on things to look out for etc?
i've read that it takes timecode and can send timecode so i figured i would jam sync from my sd 744t to both the h-1 and my denecke ts3 slate.
Douglas Spotted Eagle
June 17th, 2006, 09:28 AM
You should have no problem jam syncing it. Since you're recording to your 744, you won't need to worry about great audio into the cam, but you might want to feed ref audio from the 744 to the XLH1.
Matthew de Jongh
June 17th, 2006, 09:43 AM
i am definitely planning on feeding it audio via the breakway cable from the 442's xlr out's
then i send the direct out from all four channels on the 442 to the 4 channels on the 744t.
Daniel Epstein
June 17th, 2006, 07:23 PM
You may find the timecode genlock implementation on the XLH1 a little problematic. If you are shooting in 24F HDV (it is a feature after all) then you have your choice of Rec Run or Free Run on the camera. If you are slaving the the camera to your deck then you are looking at Free Run and you need sync as well. There is a setting for Genlock+TC in in the Menus It has to be set since the camera will not automatically pick up the Timecode and genlock like other cameras.
If for some reason the Production wants to shoot SD 24F then you can't do Free Run on the Camera internally or externally.
Also this assumes you are actually recording to tape on the camera. The Harddrive solutions in HDV don't pick up the TC from the camera yet.
Once you figure out your settings you should be off and running