David Hurdon
February 15th, 2003, 08:57 PM
Forgive an old man an emotional moment. I spent the day shooting a bio on a guy (and long time associate) who turned down managing The Beatles while running a gaming club in Liverpool. Now that I've got your attention (with a true story), I love this forum. That's my message. Nowhere I know of can you get immediate, experienced feedback on so many topics relevant to film/video content creators. I rate the real contribution of this group to my continuing growing steps a ten out of ten. And, that "old man" thing, that was an untruth. I'm hardly into my sixth decade.
Frank Granovski
February 15th, 2003, 09:45 PM
David, I cried as I read that: http://www.8palm.com/bncry.gif
Ken Tanaka
February 15th, 2003, 10:16 PM
Thanks very much for your remarks. The "Wrangler" staff here works pretty actively 7 days a week to maintain the DVInfo environment, and there are some exciting new developments on the horizon.
But it's really our community, of which you are solidly a member, that makes DVInfo the finest site of it's genre on the Web.
Hey, I know many of us would very much like to see that interview if possible. At least a couple of us Wranglers are Beatles fans.
Chris Hurd
February 15th, 2003, 10:18 PM
Many thanks for the kind words, David... we have several major competitors in this arena, and I've always felt that the reason people keep turning back to us consistently is due to the quality of our members. This community is composed of some of the best informed and/or inquistive, and above all, friendliest and most amiable folks you could hope to meet online. Above everything else, we're people-oriented. It's not about the gear or the forum moderators or the format or the forum software; it's the caliber of the members. We're not the biggest DV message board around; but I'm convinced we're the best... thanks entirely to the members we draw in. Like everyone else, you're definitely a key component in that process of success, so let me say how much I appreciate your fine input. Much respect,
Nick Kerpchar
February 16th, 2003, 06:38 AM
One of the many impressive things about DVinfo.Net (remember I said "One of the many") is that it is free of pop-up ads, flashing commercials that obscure the content, and the other carvinal-like advertising the vast majority of forums permit.
I would suspect that this is due, in large part, to the sponsors willingness to be behind the scene, as it were, and allow the discussion to center on the art and technology of video. That says a great deal about the sponsors whom, IMHO, should be supported in return. I don't work for any of them, but just visit any of the other video forum sites and decide if that is what you want for a format.
Having said that, the Wranglers and members do a really great job here. Thanks. It make for great reading and learning.
Nick ;)