Devon Lyon
June 14th, 2006, 04:18 PM
I normally shoot in 24p Normal for clients with final destination being DVD or the internet. I have a few jobs coming up where we will be shooting some local political spots for both cable and broadast TV. Couple questions:
1. Should I only shoot in 60i if my final destination is cable and broadcast?
2. If it is OK to shoot in other formats and still have it show up OK for interlaced broadcast?
3. I would like to continue to shoot 24p Normal, capture, edit and export in DV NTSC 29.97, but am not sure if that will work for TV.
Any help on this new undertaking would be much appreciated.
Greg Boston
June 14th, 2006, 04:56 PM
A good compromise here would be to shoot in 30p if you want to maintain the progressive look and stay more compatible with 60i output for broadcast.
Ash Greyson
June 14th, 2006, 05:16 PM
That workflow will work just fine for TV... you have to be careful with 30P, it is my personal favorite look but there are lots of ways for local cable guys to screw it up.
ash =o)
Devon Lyon
June 14th, 2006, 07:41 PM
I have a good post house here in Oregon I will be working with. If I shoot in 30p when I am going to broadcast, do I still capture and edit in normal 29.97 DV NTSC project (even though it always says "lower fields" and not "progressive")?
Also, any tips on making sure the 30p (which I really also like the look of) doesn't get messed up? Or is that just working with the post house as they transfer to BetaSP?
Devon Lyon
June 14th, 2006, 07:46 PM
One more note: I am doing everything and will only be using the post house to transfer the final file to BetaSP (or whatever the particular station wants). Also, I am almost 100% sure that Comcast Spotlight (our local cable) takes MiniDV as a regular form of submission.
Ash Greyson
June 14th, 2006, 09:05 PM
I would stick with 24P 2:3 if you like it... you wont run into any issues. You dont want to deliver a commercial on a DV tape. You can have it dubbed to Beta pretty cheap...
ash =o)
Devon Lyon
June 15th, 2006, 11:29 AM
if a station will take a miniDV wouldn't that be better quality than taking a MiniDV to a post house and having them dub it to Beta? Seems like the extra step would result in additional quality loss. Thoughts?
Mark Bournes
June 15th, 2006, 11:33 AM
Ash is right, I have yet to find a station that will take a mini dv tape. Everyone I've dealt with wants it on beta, digi beta, or dvcpro. You are most likely going to have to transfer it to another format.
Ash Greyson
June 15th, 2006, 11:41 AM
Best case scenario is have a local post house dump it from an external HDD to Beta for you from FCP. DV to Beta can look great, just make sure they are outputting over component and not s-video.
ash =o)