View Full Version : PPro 1.5 + Avid Xpress Pro 5.2 on same machine?

Bon Sawyer
June 13th, 2006, 08:59 AM
Hi all,

I recently purchased + installed Avid Xpress Pro 5.2. I already had Premiere Pro 1.5 installed on this machine.

I cannot capture video with Avid. A friend of mine had the same problem, and the solution was uninstalling Premiere altogether. This would not be practical for me.

Anyone successfully using both on one machine? Any tips?



Carlos E. Martinez
June 18th, 2006, 03:36 PM
Hi all,

I recently purchased + installed Avid Xpress Pro 5.2. I already had Premiere Pro 1.5 installed on this machine.

I cannot capture video with Avid. A friend of mine had the same problem, and the solution was uninstalling Premiere altogether. This would not be practical for me.

Anyone successfully using both on one machine? Any tips?

I had a similar problem to yours, though using PPro 6.5 and then installing Avid 5.0. But in my case I could setup Avid correctly to see my PDX10 Camera.

Though the capture from Premiere was better than from Avid, because the program could control the camera better. E.g.: fast forward or backward with video.

The problem is that when you import Premiere captured video from Avid, the time-code is not imported too.

Enrique Galvis
June 19th, 2006, 09:31 AM
Although I don't use Avid that much I do have both installed and functioning properly. I had to start with a fresh OS install, then install Avid and next install Ppro.
Installing Ppro as the last NLE has always worked fine for me as long as it was a fresh install. Not by uninstalling and then re-installing.