View Full Version : Shot Gun for Z1 U

Brandon Potthoff
June 10th, 2006, 09:05 AM
I just got a Z1 U and would like some recomendations for an external shot gun mic. I am a wedding videographer, so this is the application I will be needing one for any suggestions would be great.

Leo Pepingco
June 10th, 2006, 10:47 AM
as an Aussie, I support my local bussines's so I recomend Rode.

They offer some really good stuff, and as an FX1 user, I love the rode video mic. Maybe for your Z1, I think anything senheiser, and Rode will fit your bill. And basically, anything over $300 AUD (about 250 US) will give you every penny back in quality.

Ian Briscoe
June 10th, 2006, 12:22 PM
I've only done one wedding. Don't think I'd use a shotgun for primary audio for vows. Here's some .WAV examples from Rode NTG2 on HVR-Z1E. I dare say the level could have ben increased but I used lav mic on tie for vows and lav mic on top table for speeches - used Rode for ambient noise.

Vows - about 4 metres away - note this is 10mb (

Hymn - 5mb (

Speeches - about 6 metres away - 2mb (

Hope this is useful to you.


Brandon Potthoff
June 11th, 2006, 02:58 PM
Very good point, I do not use it for primary audio I am using it just for ambient noise. I use two wireless mic set up now one on the groom and then one at the podium but not always does the singer have a mic on them so I need to be able to set it up so that I also get that audio in the church plus when i am at the reception I like to use the wireless and have a direct feed to the camera form the DJ for his mics so I need the shot gun to pick up the ambient noise.
Thanks a ton

Carlos E. Martinez
June 12th, 2006, 06:28 AM
Very good point, I do not use it for primary audio I am using it just for ambient noise.

To start with, if you are going to use that mic just for ambient noise, do not use a shotgun. Use a cardioid mic, preferably one as flat as possible with a switch that may let you cut low frequency.

Perhaps you don't know that, but shotgun mics are designed for picking extremely directional sound. In order to do that, the frequency response is altered, usually to favour dialogue octaves. Most of them cut at 15KHz and 200Hz down below, and have a hump in the last 3 octaves. In fact lapel mics are also designed like that, though they usually cuts highs at a lower point. Take a look at frequency responses to see what I mean.

For ambience you need a mic that will sound natural, with no frequency corrections. Use it as is, only setting levels and not very low. In some situations, reverberations will demand some low-cut, that's why the switch will be useful.

When picking ambiences do long takes, five minutes or so, and place yourself far from people nearby.

Picking ambience maybe the one and only application an on-camera mic position will do.

BTW: if you can use a mic that is placed at the podium that is not wireless, like a Shure or so, do use it. If given the chance, always prefer a wired mic.

Carlos Manuel
July 5th, 2006, 06:41 PM
Use a cardioid mic, preferably one as flat as possible with a switch that may let you cut low frequency.

Can you give me an example.

I'm also looking for a mic for ambience.
If I can do interwiews also, the better.
But 1st use is for ambience. (birds on a garden, a cow in the grass, so on)


Pasty Jackson
July 5th, 2006, 11:53 PM
To start with, if you are going to use that mic just for ambient noise, do not use a shotgun. Use a cardioid mic, preferably one as flat as possible with a switch that may let you cut low frequency.

Why not an omni? Cardioid suffers from proximity effect which gives you a different frequency response from different origins (more bass the closer you get). Figure 8 and omni are the only pickup patterns that have no proximity effect. Excellent mic for the price is the Oktava, which you can get with 3 capsules anyway (cardioid, hyper, and omni). Good place to get them is
