View Full Version : Saftey of Equipment Issues

James OClaire
June 8th, 2006, 01:43 AM
Sooo, I've been itching to spend my hard earned high school job money on a camera costing around 2500 before I move out this summer. My verrry level headed boss pointed this out though, having something like that laying around enviornments like college appartments with people in and out all the time is asking to get it stolen one day.

Have any of you ever dealt with situations like this? What'd you do about it?

When I start thinking about it it gets pretty bad sounding, I'm thinking I'll have a couple monitors and computer stuff everywhere and even if it's not good, it might just look flashy enough to catch someone's eye, which would be bad... Eek

Bill Ball
June 8th, 2006, 07:11 AM
Your parents can add a rider to their homeowners insurance to make sure its covered while you are living at home. You can put it on renter's insurance once your are living elsewhere. Then you are covered for theft and can enjoy your camera.

Boyd Ostroff
June 8th, 2006, 07:23 AM
Yes, insurance is what you need.... welcome to the "real world" ;-)

For some discussion of this topic, see the following:

Daniel Wang
June 8th, 2006, 02:03 PM
They are intended for full-size broadcast cameras, but they might work, if you can fork over the dough.

Camera cages! We have them in most of our news units, and have saved us many times. They are bolted to the floor, with two deadbolts, and then a padlock. I'm sure if you wanted, you could make one out of plywood, and cable it to a large piece of furniture. A local rental company uses gun safes, and if you are using a handycam, I'm sure a small safe would work too.