View Full Version : Good free 24p FCP
Riley Harmon June 7th, 2006, 03:28 PM Use mpeg stream clip to deinterlace 1/60th NTSC to 59.94 quicktime, drop it into a 24p timeline. Volia. it uses a motion adaptive deintelacer, also check out nattress standards to do the 60p to 24p conversion, nice and pretty (adds cost to workflow)
Nate Schmidt June 7th, 2006, 08:33 PM Riley is that 59.94 interlaced or progressiver, also when do you recommend doing this? after the edit is complete, with the raw footage...?
Riley Harmon June 7th, 2006, 09:26 PM 59.94 FRAMES PER SECOND PROGRESSIVE
I would say probably best for the raw footage. But you could always edit and then do a final 24p out. I'm not sure if you'll get edit blends. Try it and let me know. Be aware when you export from mpeg stream clip of which compressor you use. You don't want to recompress DV unless you're just going to DVD. I would use an uncompressed or lossless compression when exporting. I tried doing a straight to 24p from mpeg streamclip, but it was way too strobey. 60p is ALOT smoother of course. Use this method also for doing slow mo stuff shot on high shutter speed.
Also this is not just limited to FCP and Mac, as I just found out they just released mpeg stream clip for Xp as well. Just drop into after effects 23.976 timeline and boom.
Riley Harmon June 7th, 2006, 10:51 PM shot with a vx2000 @ 1/60th. okay so i just did a comparison of mpeg stream clip and dvfilm. results are too close. mpegstreamclip deinterlace to 60p, clip dropped straight into 23.976 timeline in after effects, dvfilm deinterlaced to 23.976p and dropped directly into same timeline. almost perfect match, dvfilm is a little softer since I checked the "blur on horizontal lines=1." the clip i shot is a little soft to begin with, crap was all over the lens, I will shoot another clip tomorrow for better comparison. I will also do a slow mo shot with 1/120th shutter.
here is a link to side by side comparison 30MB Quicktime, Please download and not stream
Riley Harmon June 10th, 2006, 08:04 PM Okay people. Ive done some more tests with the method described above. I deinterlaced the footage to 60p (59.94 progressive) and then dropped directly into an after effects timeline. I tried using twixtor to make a motion weighted frame interpolation to change from 24p to 60p. The reason I tested this is because it allows me to vary the amount of motion blur to moving objects in the scene. Hence, motion weighted. I found that it did not make much different when using a 1/60th NTSC deinterlaced to 60p file. Therefore, you should be able to take any 1/60th NTSC, deinterlace it to 60p, then drop that 60p file into any 24p timeline, using After Effects, Final Cut, or Premiere without having to use a motion weighted bluring frame interpolation. I have tried both After Effects and Final Cut and both work great. I also did some tests using a 1/100th shot NTSC deinterlaced to 60p using twixtor to change the motion blur as an example of a situation where someone forgot to use 1/60th. I was able to match the footage look. So both using twixtor, and without it look great. SO... with all that mouth full, here is a short 2sec test. If you have any specific footage requests to be tested just ask me to try the method yourself. Let's hear what you think! Peace.
Nate Schmidt June 11th, 2006, 03:49 PM Sweet, Thanks Riley
Mike Kim June 11th, 2006, 10:37 PM Sounds great. In what way should I lose less quality while doing this? Is it OK if I deinterlace de finished project and reopen in with Final Cut in the new 24p timeline? Also, which settings in mpegstreamclip are best?
(I'm a noobie regarding 24p and mpeg streamclip)
Riley Harmon June 11th, 2006, 10:48 PM if you are going to export a final project to be deinterlaced and then brough back into a 24p timeline, you need to export the video as uncompressed or don't recompress the DVNTSC. also I'm not sure how the audio will sync up and all that. I usually just do raw footage and then edit on a 24p timeline. in mpeg stream clip here are the settings to choose:
File> export to quicktime (or whatever format you want)
Compression: Choose something uncompressed like None or Component for the highest quality (warning! large file sizes)
Sound: Uncompressed or None
Frame Size: Whatever format you are using 720x480 for NTSC
Field Dominance: Whatever format you are using Lower field first for NTSC
Set frame-rate to 59.94
No Scaling or cropping
Then render and drop into your 24p timeline. Also be warned, you are exporting a HIGH framerate and uncompressed, therefore the video will take a lot of space and might not playback well in quicktime due to drive read speeds. When you drop it into you 24p timeline, final cut or whatever you use will make you render it to dv standards. You could edit natively do EVERYTHING before the 24p, then export to 60p using mpeg stream clip, drop into 24p timeline and render out 24p DV.
Mike Kim June 15th, 2006, 07:16 PM Thanks a lot for the help, I'll try it ASAP. :)