View Full Version : How Do I get SDI to HDMI ??

Joel Dech
June 7th, 2006, 12:53 PM
I have a nice new HDTV for monitoring in my studio. I have a Kona LH coming out my G5. Obviously I can go component to my HDTV, but that is really just a very good ANALOG path. I want to keep it digital, and true (at least the truest I can anyway). So I just seen and then learned about the input on the back of my HDTV that is a HDMI input. It sounds REAL good !! True digital uncompressed HD input.

Ok,, so that is exactly what SDI is (more or less).... SO I want to go OUT of my Kona LH card via the SDI output, and INTO my HDTV via the HDMI input.
But I can't find the cable for it for the life of me.

So does anyone know a cable, or conversion box that will do this ? Even custom is fine, I will pay, no prob.

OR is it even possible, or is it even a good idea, or what ??

Am I just stuck with useing component, and is that my best bet anyway ? and if so WHY ? Why would I want to have all this digital stuff/paths/outputs/ideas/creations/etc, to just see it in analog in the end (aka component) ?

Thanks in advance --

Ash Greyson
June 20th, 2006, 11:39 PM
You wont notice much difference IMHO... if any... I have never heard of such an adapter and I am not even sure it is plausible but check out I have found most my adapters/switchers there...

ash =o)

Joel Dech
June 21st, 2006, 09:34 PM
Hey thanks Ash !!

I really appreciate the reply. Seemed no one was responding to this question.
As I feel it is a decently valid question. I am sure more would want to know as well.

I am going to check the place you suggested, and thanks for the help.

So you say honestly to just go component and call it a day huh ? I won't notice the difference ?? Is that what most are doing out there ? Monitoring HD with a technically analog signal ? Weird.

Well thanks again Ash, and if you or anyone else has anything else to say or elaborate on this matter PLEASE do so.


Joel Dech

Ash Greyson
June 21st, 2006, 09:53 PM
Most of the high end monitors I use have HD-SDI, have never seen one with HDMI or DVI, those are for consumer TVs... Unless you have an HD-SDI monitor, I think component will look about 99% as good...

ash =o)

Ken Diewert
June 21st, 2006, 11:23 PM

I plugged my H1 into the RGB port on my 26" Toshiba CRT-HDTV from what they call component out, played back a tape and I was really impressed by the quality of the images (actually blown away, but that's because I just got the monitor). I don't know how SDI could have improved it.

In the case of SDI, I think it's strength is as an HDV bypass option.

Joel Dech
June 22nd, 2006, 02:25 AM
Cool, thanks for the valuable info guys.

Yeah, I got a consumer HDTV is what it is. I figure it GOT to be good enough for monitoring. See I really like SIZE, I have to have my visual monitor mounted up on the wall behind my Genelec Speaker monitors (I am mainly a audio recording studio) therefor I need about a 40" widescreen monitor for comfortable veiwing (IMO) for me AND my clients that sit on a couch BEHIND me even. So 40" is minimum (to me IMO)...... Therefore to not spend a million dollars on a pro high end 40" widescreen (16:9) monitor, I decided to go with the best 40" Widescreen HDTV I could find that had as many ins and outs as possible that also had a picture that I previewed at a store and was impressed with. So thats what I did. So all in all, yes, that is why I wanted to use the HDMI input. It is the best input on the TV, supposedly 100% uncompressed digital signal (?? !! ??). So I figured SDI to it because my Kona card doesn't have HDMI but ONLY SDI for its uncompressed digital signal OUT.

All in all Ash, thanks for your input, it seems for me and my just "o.k." consumer HDTV monitor, component in from my Kona card for good referencing SHOULD be fine.


Thats good to know Ken. Thanks for the real life experience for me to refeence to,,,, awesome !! I guess I should be happy with using component then. Honestly I was just trying to do the best thing I could do in my situation. Now I see after listening to you and Ash, using component is just fine for me. Thanks !!

Jacques Mersereau
June 22nd, 2006, 07:48 AM
Most of the high end monitors I use have HD-SDI, \

Which monitors are you using? I need to start looking into flat panels
that take HD-SDI input.

Thanks Ash!

Ash Greyson
June 23rd, 2006, 01:08 PM
The one I mainly use is this one:

Really hot right now and rents at $300 a day so we just bought one. You can even do split screen to make sure both cameras match on 2 camera shoots.

ash =o)

Greg Boston
June 23rd, 2006, 01:54 PM
The one I mainly use is this one:

Really hot right now and rents at $300 a day so we just bought one. You can even do split screen to make sure both cameras match on 2 camera shoots.

ash =o)

That is s kick butt monitor. Built in waveform scope to boot. We had one in use during the Texas HD shootout.


Greg Boston
June 23rd, 2006, 02:03 PM
I have a nice new HDTV for monitoring in my studio. I have a Kona LH coming out my G5. Obviously I can go component to my HDTV, but that is really just a very good ANALOG path. I want to keep it digital, and true (at least the truest I can anyway). So I just seen and then learned about the input on the back of my HDTV that is a HDMI input. It sounds REAL good !! True digital uncompressed HD input.

Ok,, so that is exactly what SDI is (more or less).... SO I want to go OUT of my Kona LH card via the SDI output, and INTO my HDTV via the HDMI input.
But I can't find the cable for it for the life of me.

So does anyone know a cable, or conversion box that will do this ? Even custom is fine, I will pay, no prob.

OR is it even possible, or is it even a good idea, or what ??

Am I just stuck with useing component, and is that my best bet anyway ? and if so WHY ? Why would I want to have all this digital stuff/paths/outputs/ideas/creations/etc, to just see it in analog in the end (aka component) ?

Thanks in advance --

Here you go....

This will do exactly what you are asking.


Joel Dech
June 23rd, 2006, 05:36 PM
Here you go....

This will do exactly what you are asking.


Greg, thank you so much. You are right, that is EXACTLY what I need and was asking for. Sir you are truely a PIMP !!! (video pimp that is) LOL.


The one I mainly use is this one:

Really hot right now and rents at $300 a day so we just bought one. You can even do split screen to make sure both cameras match on 2 camera shoots.

WOW !!! $3,000 for a 17"er aye ??? That IS a extreme kick butt monitor though ! Ash, I wonder how much a exact same monitor with the exact same features would be in a 40" model ???? ha ha,,,, see why I gotta go for a HDTV ??

But DANG !!! that monitor has some cool specs and features on it I tell ya..... I wonder how much of a actual (down to brass tacks) visual difference there is between it and the highest quality HDTV you can find is ?? Have you done any side by side comparisons ? Of coarse to be fair though, you would have to compare a 17" with a 17".


Anyway , thanks so much guys, it was all of your replies and help that kept this thread alive long enough for me to get a link to the product I need. PLUS I learned a decent amount from this thread as well......


Ash Greyson
June 24th, 2006, 03:45 AM
There is a HUGE difference in a high-end reference monitor and a consumer TV. Blue only mode, safety markers, scopes, proper calibration, etc.

ash =o)

Christopher Johnson
December 14th, 2006, 05:38 PM
I have a difficult time finding the difference when monitoring between HD over digital vs. component. There may be a minute measurable tech difference, but I trust HD component just fine.


Bill Davis
December 22nd, 2006, 02:05 AM
I know this is an old thread. But the last few Markertek catalog posts have shown a huge increase in their HDMI offerings, including component-HDMI conversion products.

Take another look. You might find what you're looking for now.