Jason Rogan
June 7th, 2006, 11:18 AM
Is there a switcher that can send 2 different sources to 2 seprate devices on one switch. Like send graphics to the projector and cameras to a vcu and a DA on the same switch. I need to come out of a video roll going to our projector,DA, and VCU back to the projector receiving ppt. and the VCU and DA receiving camera. I am switching twice at the moment.
Jon Fairhurst
June 7th, 2006, 11:37 AM
Routing switcher or production switcher?
If it's a production switcher, you can do it by using the program output to feed one destination and the preview bus to feed the second, though that's a bit of a kludge. A better solution would make use of an AUX bus, if available.
For routing switchers you just need a product that has two outputs, and a head that can send multiple commands.
Also, what signal format are you using? Analog? Component? D1? HD?
Jason Rogan
June 7th, 2006, 11:41 AM
Analog for now. Im thinking of purchasing a Sony Anycast. And someday getting new cards for the cameras.