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Riley Harmon
December 19th, 2007, 04:42 AM
alright, working on a short video that has a few scenes is a space shuttle. here is a frame grab from a lighting test we did a day ago. I'm using rear projection and trying to get the composite/integration spot on. only thing i can tell needed is maybe a backlight, and maybe move the projector a bit closer/increase the brightness so that i can get those highlights to pop a wee bit more. what do you think? all feedback welcome. thanks

Riley Harmon
December 20th, 2007, 07:09 PM
video version

Glenn Chan
December 20th, 2007, 11:24 PM
Hmm some of my thoughts:

1- The parallax doesn't quite look right if you move the camera.

2- The black level in the b/g looks a little high.

3- In the digital stills, the background has a cyan cast to it.

4- In the video, does the actor cast a shadow on the background??

4- The lighting of the actor (very contrasty, low fill) doesn't quite match the background? The background looks like it would work with more shadows.

5- I'm curious... did you also consider greenscreen?

Nate Benson
December 20th, 2007, 11:31 PM
I think it looks very good. I do think however think there should be something in the backgroun floating about. and perhaps the starfield rotating slightly to give the effect that the ship is actually moving through space.

other than that it looks great.
I checked out your website, you have ALOT of great pieces.

I'm very curious about the specs on the portable rig setup you did for electronic graffiti. I've been curious about doing something along those lines up here in Buffalo.

At any rate, great work.

Mark Anderson
December 21st, 2007, 12:23 AM
About a year ago I started planning my instructional DVD on steelhead jig tying and fishing. I just released the DVD for retail and have a few trailers for viewing.


Derrick A.Jones
December 22nd, 2007, 12:10 PM
Yeah that was a very good film. But i would shorten the black also. I didn't know if the movie was over or not so yeah if you can shorten the black on that. I love some of the low end Camera angles you were shooting very good on that. Maybe turning up the volume on the phone convo would help also. Great film

Josh Bass
December 24th, 2007, 04:31 AM
Ok, I'm keeping this off my site 'til I do the festival thing, but I made a trailer just to be able to show something:

It is a sequel to this one:

Some friends and I are putting on a showcase of our short and feature length films (the one in the trailer linked to above included) next month, if any of the Houston members of this board (or anyone else of course) wants to come out. Info is below:

Event name: Jack-Al Film Festival III

Date: January 12th 2008

Time: 3pm, doors open at 2:30

Cost: $7 for the evening

Location: Rice Media Center
6100 Main Street, MS-549
Houston, TX 77005
Entrance 8 on the corner of University Blvd & Stockton – Next to Reckling Park

Festival website:

Phil Kay
December 26th, 2007, 12:36 PM
I got bored on Christmas day -

Brian Brown
December 26th, 2007, 03:21 PM
That's very cool. Felt like I was there.

How many frames per minute were you shooting?

Brian Brown
BrownCow Productions

Phil Kay
December 26th, 2007, 03:52 PM
Thanks Brian, I was shooting 1 frame per second,so 60 per minute.

A tip to anyone shooting for youtube(a common complaint from youtube users is that the colours become 'dulled') - I shot this film on a Canon G9 with the colour mode set to VIVID. This results in more vibrant colours when compressed onto youtube. You could do the same with a video camera and next time I shoot for youtube on my XH-A1 I'll have the colours wacked up!

Michael Pulcinella
December 28th, 2007, 08:45 PM
I decided for this segment of my new doc to break with tradition and challenge myself and my viewers with music that, at first thought, might not seem appropriate.

Most workout videos are accompanied by loud heavy metal or in the case of female videos, loud funky sexy hip hop. Here's my attempt to be a little different and, I hope, still interesting.

Carl Middleton
December 28th, 2007, 08:55 PM
I like it :)

It is completely different from what you'd 'expect', but it meshes well. You took the time to edit properly to the music, and it pays off.