Jay Gladwell
December 2nd, 2007, 09:06 PM
Be that as it may, I still strongly urge you to buy and read the book. I guarantee it will improve your shooting (not to mention the affect it will have on your editing)!
View Full Version : Show Your Work 2007 Jay Gladwell December 2nd, 2007, 09:06 PM Be that as it may, I still strongly urge you to buy and read the book. I guarantee it will improve your shooting (not to mention the affect it will have on your editing)! David W. Jones December 2nd, 2007, 09:11 PM Same here! Derek Nickell December 2nd, 2007, 09:20 PM I really enjoyed that, you have a nice eye for effective composition. The music really set the mood when showing the drama type footage. Thanks for the comment. Carl Middleton December 2nd, 2007, 09:55 PM Hrm, just tested and it worked for me. It's a video hosting site, you might need a plugin. What browser are you guys using, and do you have DivX installed by chance? You might need it. Sorry guys! Carl Bert Smyth December 2nd, 2007, 11:11 PM It asked me to download the DivX player... I don't want yet another player on my system. Maybe try posting it to YouTube, or as Flash Media file or something? Carl Middleton December 3rd, 2007, 07:30 AM Dohh, I was hoping Stage6 would give me a decent place to share stuff without having to compress to the levels Youtube does. :D Gives great quality for streaming video, and a lot of my myspace friends seem to have divx installed, but I'm striking out here. :( Once I get my website back up and running, I'll post it there, and host it with good quality flv or something... but I don't currently have access. Dohh! Carl Neil Fisher December 3rd, 2007, 08:12 PM just messing around on a cold snow filled weekened, found an old claymation figure from a while back and thought i'd put him to work :) http://youtube.com/watch?v=VT0CE88glVE Nathan Quattrini December 3rd, 2007, 09:28 PM I made this for my girlfriend back in march for our 3 year anniversary. She lives in Taiwan, I live in the US. I used pictures from our 3 years together and made our story with them www.kiukle.com/temp/anniversary.wmv Anna Harmon December 3rd, 2007, 11:59 PM Hey Devin, Liked the video a lot. I watched a few of them to compare and yours was definitely up there. I agree with Craig. Wish you could've matched the two locations better in sharpness and color. One cut bothered me but it's more personal preference. The one where you cut to the bass drum. Like it, but seemed a bit late. Could be just 'cause I watched it once. James Stone December 5th, 2007, 09:21 PM Hello all, I've had this on my drive for a while now and finally got around to posting it. I shot this for my senior final project at Cogswell College in Sunnyvale. The total run time is roughly 9 minutes and was done over the course of 5 days. Three on set, One day blue screen and one day on location down a ditch on the side of the road. If anybody is interested I can post some behind the scenes photos that I have. I might even post the behind the scenes footage I put on the DVD. But first things first here's the 30 meg teaser. http://www.stonehengemotionpictures.com/cucuiteaser.mov Ash Greyson December 6th, 2007, 09:46 PM Here is a promo video for one of my current projects. It is about 2/3 done and it is sitting at SONY in a slow down due to the writers strike so... I made it live on Youtube a couple weeks ago. ash =o) http://youtube.com/watch?v=x_T68j4lb9g Lorinda Norton December 7th, 2007, 11:01 AM Wow, Ash, I’d sure like to see the whole thing when it’s available. What a fascinating subject, and you’ve treated it just right. It must have taken a ton of work and time to obtain all the archived footage, track down all those artists—just boggles my mind. I remember when Petra came upon the scene; as a fan of the Queen sound I thought Petra’s music was beautiful. I noticed they were listed in the credits but didn’t recognize them anywhere, which isn’t surprising since I only listened to them and never saw what they looked like. I also remember the controversy from the 80's; it was wild. Will you post when the video is released? Jeff Cottrone December 7th, 2007, 11:21 AM Ash, as a HUGE music fan myself, this is awesome! Can't wait to see it. One note of critique, though. I personally don't like all those quick zoom-ins in the interviews. I find it distracting when I just want to hear what they are saying. That is done in post, correct? I know it's just a style choice and is all over TV nowadays, much to my dismay, but I feel it works best only when it's motivated to make a point of something that's said. Or maybe in this promo it's just overused for my taste. Anyway, love the lighting and the overall look and feel. Can't wait to see it! Ash Greyson December 7th, 2007, 02:25 PM It is a work in progress, I hope to be done in spring. The snap zooms, etc. are intentional. Some of the higher profile people who will be on screen more will be shot with a 35mm adapter in a lock down. The problem is that the old B roll that will be used over much of it is RAW. The choppy style suits it. Most of the story telling will be done thru b roll, not just talking heads. I personally cant imagine a talking head doc with traditional production would suit this story, therefore I plan on covering about 75% of the interviews with b roll. I know the style will annoy some and engage others but I doubt it will distract from the overall story. ash =o) Eric Manacsa December 9th, 2007, 08:35 PM These are personal off-road videos taken with my Canon HV20 and edited with Sony Vegas 7e. They are posted on Vimeo.com so the first play(download) might be choppy until the entire video is on your computer. The second play will be smooth. Besides the shakes due to not using a tripod, I would appreciate feedback. Thanks. Hungry Valley, CA http://www.vimeo.com/420925 and Pismo Beach, CA http://www.vimeo.com/378176 Tomas Stavik December 11th, 2007, 02:30 PM Hi there! I came home early from work today and had about an hour left to use the sun that was still shining. Anyways.. Heres for you youtubers: http://youtube.com/watch?v=yXFIIGMcD00 Bigger and better: (80mb) http://files.filefront.com/flanellwebmov/;9237535;/fileinfo.html Used my Nikon 50mm f/2.0.. I think I had it at f/4.0 and f/5.6 for the most of it.. And if I remember correctly the shutter was at 1/25 for the 25p shots.. the slowmo bit was 1/120 and 50i.. on a sidenote: Does 1/25 shutter create sort of a "videoish" motion? I don't know why.. maybe it's the lens.. didn't notice this with my Canon FD lens.. -Tomas Tomas Stavik December 11th, 2007, 08:55 PM Testing out the effect.. It's out of focus.. never mind that:P It's a bitch to focus with a small LCD monitor So here's for you youtubers: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Ua0-lsiZ8eg Higher quality: (only 7,7mb) http://files.filefront.com/comingsoon2mov/;9239205;/fileinfo.html Hope you like it.. Oh.. and btw.. I know that lightsabers don't have shadows.. and I was aware of it when I shot it.. I just didn't care now for this little test.. Justin Mosley December 12th, 2007, 11:48 AM Actually my favorite part was the time ramp toward the end where the actor brought the light saber toward the camera. Nice DOF! I was thinking about making a short film where the light saber is used allot.... Then I realized how much rotoscoping goes into it and decided against it. lol Ulrik [fC] December 13th, 2007, 10:57 AM hey there, I just finished a fight scene I did and thought that I post it here: http://www.german-kungfu.com/index.php?act=MovDet&mid=27 (quicktime version is english, divx german) or 720p version: http://www.mathislandwehr.com/media/fC_straightblast_720p.wmv we used a Canon XH A1 combined with the brevis adapter and quite a wild camerasetup: http://www.flatcoin.com/temp/virusarts_07.jpg http://www.flatcoin.com/temp/virusarts_02.jpg had to use my XL1s as monitor, coz my cheap small tv used its batteries SOOOO fast .. luckily the selfbuild 20 euro camerarig made it possible to use the XL1 :) the team was one cameraoperator and the two guys in front of the camera (which included me) .. thats all. hope you have some fun :) take care Ulrik PS: is there any way that I can change my nickname .. coz everybody uses his full name and I still got what I used 6 years ago ? Bob Campbell December 13th, 2007, 12:24 PM I really liked your commercial. Nice job. Bob Jay Gladwell December 13th, 2007, 02:18 PM Nicely shot, but it had three problems... First, the sound effects were out of sync. Second, the editing called attention to itself. Third, they went longer than 90 seconds. This one isn't as good as the vimpire piece you did earlier. Alex Sprinkle December 13th, 2007, 02:20 PM Nice. My only question is a dumb one. You can see the shadow of the lightsaber on the talents face at one point, but it's a lightsaber. Would that happen? That's not rhetorical. I think given the fact that there's a stronger light source that the hypothetical saber, it very well could. I just don't know what wattage lightsabers have. : ) Alex Sprinkle December 13th, 2007, 02:32 PM I missed the 80s Christian decade. I didn't get into it until way later (1995ish ... during dc Talks "Jesus Freaks" era), but this blows me away. I can't WAIT! Tomas Stavik December 13th, 2007, 03:40 PM Yup.. I am very aware of it.. and was when I shot it.. this was just a small test of rotoscoping and a cinematic look.. But I know very well that.. "light.. does not produce a shadow" :P hehe Chris Davis December 13th, 2007, 04:02 PM I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product. For 10 years I worked as artist/media liaison at the SonShine Festival in Minnesota, so I've met a lot of these guys and heard a lot of these stories. Monte Raynor December 13th, 2007, 08:23 PM I enjoyed your journey. Randy Stewart December 13th, 2007, 11:42 PM A spoof on computer network security. Feedback welcome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uvo_vopmoM Randy Ash Varma December 14th, 2007, 09:57 AM I liked it, great concept. A few things: - the sound and editing needs to be tighter - some of the scenes in the begining would be more professional looking if done with a tripod. - loved some of the music which you used to create suspence Overall, nice work! Warren Kawamoto December 14th, 2007, 04:38 PM That was great! Like you, I met my wife online. Meeting her was the best thing that happened to me! I'm here in Hawaii, she's from Malaysia. After being with her for 3 years and having travelled long distances to see each other, we finally got married in 2001. Like you, we experienced vastly different taste in food. Malaysian food is a cross of Thai, Chinese, and Indian which makes it one of the tastiest in the world. When she first came to Hawaii, she thought the food was horribly tasteless! She also thought she was in a time warp because everything here was so slow and backwards compared to the life she lived in Kuala Lumpur. In your case, one of you will have to move in order to be with each other. If it's right for you, marry her! It's amazing how much you grow as a person if you share life's experiences with a person of another culture. I hope it works out for the best of you both! Taky Cheung December 14th, 2007, 04:47 PM That's just lovely. I can tell you put a lot of work in it. I'm sure your GF will be very impressed too! Congrats! At the end, should put a CG saying "to be continued..." Are you guys going to move to taiwan or she will move to the US? It's tough for LD relationship. Randy Stewart December 14th, 2007, 11:21 PM Ash, Thanks for replying. Agree, sound is blown out in a couple of places. The camera was unmanned (on tripod) and I screwed up the setting of my lav mic. As for the hand-held shots...we were going for the "24" look so we used a mixture of handheld movements and short cuts to raise the pace and suspense. The music was created using Cinescore (Sony). I have to give my son (the spy) the credit for the music, editing (in Vegas Pro) and much of the direction. We are re-mixing the sound and music based upon some "sound" advice from Mr. Victor Milt (award winning producer). Will post the new version later. Thanks again for your input. Randy Heath Vinyard December 15th, 2007, 09:09 AM Hey all. I have two projects that I've posted on my myspace site that I'd love to get some feedback on, constructive hopefully. :) The first is titled "A FAIR PRICE." This is a Grindhouse inspired trailer that was fun to shoot and edit and is really meant in the spirit of over the top entertainment coming from the exploitation point of view. It was shot on my JVC HD100 camera and edited using Vegas 7 and Adobe After Effects/Photoshop. The second is a 15 minute piece called "A STEP TOO FAR." This was the first 13 pages of a feature length script that I co-wrote that was entered in the Creative Screenwriting screenplay competition. The script grabbed a "Considered" grade in the contest, so we went out to make a marketing package to include this piece. Again, this was shot using my JVC camera and edited with the same setup. These are the first two things I've shot. I have more stuff coming. 2 new shorts I'm getting ready to shoot and a music video/CD promotion that I'm excited about. Please let me know what you think and thank you for viewing. You can see them on my myspace page. Heath http://myspace.com/neverfearstudios John De Rienzo December 15th, 2007, 10:25 AM Hi Heath, I did not have the time to watch both. I think you might find 15min's is a bit too long for someone to review here! These are my thoughts on ' A fair Price' I found the titles difficult to read, and the general font not great. Maybe it's just a you tube thing! For a trailer it would not inspire me to want to watch the film. I thought the voice over was very poor!!! this can make or break a trailer. Also not enough variety. Too many cuts with girl shooting from her gun and not much substance in between.\Where is the atmospheric soundrack? Please take this as a critique and not personal. I am sure others will have their different viewpoints on this. Cheers. John De Rienzo Devesh Verma December 15th, 2007, 12:59 PM hey everyone! i'm really glad to finally get on the forums. I wanted to get some feedback with my short film i recently made. it was shot on the canon xl-2 with the 20x optical lens and edited in final cut studio 2 (mainly final cut pro and motion)and magic bullet color correction. if you're curious about the logo it was done with a combo of photoshop, motion, shake and after effects. let me know what you guys think! http://youtube.com/watch?v=SS1jTQxAh3M Devesh Verma www.deveshverma.com Alessandro Garabaghi December 15th, 2007, 01:07 PM Well i finally have a way to stream my HD video from my Canon XH A1, i hope you enjoy... http://wakevids.com Steve Yager December 15th, 2007, 02:40 PM Hey guys, I'm featured on the front page of revver.com in the big video window. Show some love and give me a click. All the sketches we shoot are on the A1. Josh Chesarek December 15th, 2007, 03:46 PM Gave me a laugh :) Now Im hungry for Ribbs.... Nathan Quattrini December 15th, 2007, 03:58 PM not sure what will happen still. I`m trying to start up a small video production company to try and get out of my crappy day job that pays squat. I need to estaablish myself enough that I could support us before she could live here. I already tried living there...but no BA degree makes it impossible to work legally, and the penalty for getting caught is minimum 5 year no-rentry. She will come here for 2 months next year and try it out and go from there I guess...just sucks waiting another 5 months to see her again :( Brad Vaughan December 15th, 2007, 04:58 PM Looks awesome. The Footage is really clean and actualy quite steady considering you're in a boat cruising pretty fast! Well done. Loren Simons December 15th, 2007, 11:34 PM very nice, like it alot! Paul Mailath December 16th, 2007, 03:53 AM Hi all, we just wrapped on our first short and some of the stills from the shoot are here: http://www.mailath.com/gallery/ We couldn't have done it without the information contained in this great site and the advice from the members - thanks to everyone and it's onward and upward from here. I'll upload some footage soon. Shot on the Canon XH-A1 with the Letus Extreme, Canon lenses: 24mm 2.8 35mm 2 50mm 1.4 Indifocus rails & Followfocus Libec LS38 tripod Lowel DV creator 44 lighting kit & 2 800w redheads homemade dolly & jib Gilbert Khoury December 16th, 2007, 08:00 AM Great Job!!! What camera did you use? and did you use Magic bullet? Gilbert. Heath Vinyard December 16th, 2007, 08:21 AM Hi Heath, I did not have the time to watch both. I think you might find 15min's is a bit too long for someone to review here! These are my thoughts on ' A fair Price' I found the titles difficult to read, and the general font not great. Maybe it's just a you tube thing! For a trailer it would not inspire me to want to watch the film. I thought the voice over was very poor!!! this can make or break a trailer. Also not enough variety. Too many cuts with girl shooting from her gun and not much substance in between.\Where is the atmospheric soundrack? Please take this as a critique and not personal. I am sure others will have their different viewpoints on this. Cheers. John De Rienzo Hello. Thanks for taking a look at Fair Price. I guess you didn't read the blog I posted about it, so understandable. This was to actually be a 15 minute short, but after I got into the editing room I noticed that a good 85% of my footage was out of focus. So what we had to work with was pretty much that footage. If I'd have had more to work with, I'd have used other stuff. Thank you for taking a look and giving me the feedback. I really appreciate hearing all viewpoints on my stuff. It definitely helps me grow as a film maker. Alessandro Garabaghi December 16th, 2007, 08:51 AM Brad - i just purchased a right handle pistol style grip that still photographers use. It was only $12 and someone who does a lot of filming like that suggested it, saying it helps. Cant wait to try it out. Jack Barker December 16th, 2007, 10:18 AM Devesh - Wow! Very cool. Good actors and editing. I'm not a great fan of hand-held, so maybe a tripod would have helped. The voice on the phone was hard to hear, but I was able to get the message. Good work - keep it up. James Stone December 17th, 2007, 10:43 AM Hey thanks for watching it. Nope We just shot on an XL2 with the default presets in 16x9. I did a little color correcting to warm up the outside shots though. Here's some set photos that were taken. I put out an ad in craigslist looking for old fence boards and lo and behold people actually responded. We actually had more fence boards than set flats to cover. The flooring I bought at Home Depot for 6 bucks a 4x8 sheet and was that faux wood grain wall covering. The chimney was rented from a prop house in Burlingame, CA. Heath Vinyard December 17th, 2007, 03:05 PM Good job man. It all worked well together. I'd shorten the black after the gunshot. Other than that, good work. Russ Holland December 17th, 2007, 03:43 PM I too would have shortened the black after the gunshot, probably half it. I loved the depth of field, the colour correction was great looking too. It was shot with style, the handheld was used just right in my opinion, gave it an unnerving feel, not being solid to me totally made the characters look on-edge, emphasised the great acting. Loved that logo at the start, though the web address perminently on-screen was a put-off at first, but that soon got ignored when I got into the film. If you made it smaller though it wouldn't have hurt. All in all very cool. Russ Nathan Quattrini December 17th, 2007, 05:14 PM I wanted to practice a little editing since I`ve been obsessing over my short films so much (pre-production and fight choreography) that I haven't edited much lately. So I had a thought one day in my head (I was sick) and decided to go out and film it. The mood/feeling I wanted to convey was confusion/disorientation, kind of how I felt with a fever while filming it heh. What do you think? Confusion test edit (http://www.metacafe.com/watch/976541/confusion/) Chase Doutre December 18th, 2007, 10:57 PM hey i like the simple layout alottt just outta curosity what settings did u upload ur vid with? |