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Gunleik Groven
January 14th, 2007, 05:41 PM
Link doesn't work...


Gunleik Groven
January 14th, 2007, 05:47 PM
Nice footy, audio & CC

Dunno really about the movie.
Is it a short? (when finished)


Steve Maller
January 14th, 2007, 05:53 PM
YouTube says "This video has been removed by the user."

Brian Luce
January 14th, 2007, 06:04 PM of these should work...

Andrew Todd
January 14th, 2007, 06:09 PM
thanks... when finished itll be a short.. no color correction used at all.. all manipulation of the white balance.

Gary Hanna
January 14th, 2007, 08:29 PM
that bad huh?

Jason Dirks
January 14th, 2007, 08:47 PM
Hey Brian,

Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, again, I saw an opportunity for a lot of things to do different . . . one of which was to tighten it up and make it shorter. We really wanted to preserve that goofy feel that a lot of the infommercials of even a few years ago had. Ridiculous invention, crappy acting and cheesy music and scenes overall. I definitely wanted to keep it "innocent" so to speak. Even though it's for a very personal product, I wanted to keep it fun and relatively PG.

On the subject of the music. That was all done by Chris (the co-director) in his home studio. It turned out phenomenal. He did a great job and he took the music in a different direction than I originally thought, but it ended up being the right choice.

To your point about the length, I should've kept it to :30 or 1:00 max in keeping w/ traditional infommercial length. May try recutting . . but then again this was kind of a quick exercise.

Did the all the cutting in Final Cut. Rendered using Sorenson Video 3 and compressed the audio w/ IMA 4:1. If I remember correctly, I think we ended up with about a 40 meg file (320 x 240). The site we posted to capped it to I think 50 or maybe 80. So the nice thing was we were able to keep a nice amount of detail.

Giuseppe Palumbo
January 15th, 2007, 02:24 AM
Hey Everyone!
I just Finished my reel and would like to know what everyone thinks. I used AE for some of the titles and Vegas to Edit. The Footage is mostly XL2 and GL2 footage.


If you have more time, check out my site to!

Mark Bournes
January 15th, 2007, 07:26 AM
My 2 cents...I liked your reel, the only thing is I feel like you went too long on the music video part. I got it in the 1st 30 seconds. I had to wait too long to see what other kinds of work you do, ie...commercials and promotional video.
I also checked out your website. Very nice. Easy to navigate and find contact information. Nice job.

Giuseppe Palumbo
January 15th, 2007, 12:29 PM
Yea, i know the music video part is alot longer then the others but that's my target and what i want to do the most. I dont really have alot of commercials/promotional videos to show.

Thanks on the website to!

Chris Harris
January 15th, 2007, 01:05 PM
I thought your reel was great, and you had a pretty diverse range of projects you've worked on. I watched one of your music videos and was entertained by it.

Michael DeMattia
January 15th, 2007, 04:24 PM
Hello everyone,

Its been awhile since I've posted anything. My new site has launched. Please check it out when you can. Thank you for your time and support.

Mike D

Gary Hanna
January 15th, 2007, 09:15 PM

Hey all - here's a rough cut of my Demo Reel - just have to dust it a bit, but let me know what you think and particularly if there are any spots that lag to you and if any shots should go, be re-ordered etc.


Aleksandar Bracinac
January 15th, 2007, 10:58 PM
Music Video for the popular serbian band.

XDCAM + Pro35 + Cooke S4/i


Nick Harris
January 16th, 2007, 12:43 AM
This looks fantastic, I loved the opening shots and night time street locations!

Tom Vandas
January 16th, 2007, 05:12 AM
Very nice production value, shows what we can really accomplish with video these days.

Regarding the content: we want more lightsabers!

Colin Bishop
January 16th, 2007, 06:04 AM
Hello, I finished a feature last year that I shot with the JY-HD10u.
I converted the 1280x720 29.97 to 24p for editing.

There is a divx available for free download on their stage 6 site if
anyone is curious (it's 82mins):

The final picture size was 1920x816 (the divx is 720x304)

Many thanks

Colin Bishop

Sami Hakkinen
January 16th, 2007, 09:47 AM
The title of our new short movie really is "Tie - Some Kind Of a Roadmovie" :)
It's still very much a wip, but we have a cute little teaser trailer out if you want to see. The site is

Critic and questions are more than welcome :)

Michael Pulcinella
January 16th, 2007, 10:34 AM
I love the style of it! But I think it's a little obscure. I can't quite tell what it's about...unless that was your intention and you are going to release a more "explanatory" teaser eventually.

Sami Hakkinen
January 16th, 2007, 10:38 AM
Yes, it's pretty much just a first touch teaser since we didn't have that much footage yet. Just to get people on their toes ;)

Michael Pulcinella
January 16th, 2007, 10:54 AM
I just feel like I need a little bit more to actually tease me. Again, loved the style of it, but don't know that I'm interested in the content...yet.

Michael Pulcinella
January 16th, 2007, 11:16 AM
I thought the third one fit right in. Well done.

I agree. Nice job.

Colin Sato
January 16th, 2007, 06:06 PM
Thanks for your comments. Ironically, I may need to make an "Acura Retreat" video. We've had a lot of developments in the last 24 hours. Here in Hawaii the Navigation systems don't work in most of our cars and someone at Acura Headquarters finally figured it out.

Unfortunately the guys in the legal department are now involved. Without consultoing us, they've removed all our outstanding orders for TL-S, RDX Tech and everytihing above the base MDX. They've also frozen all our in-transit cars with navigation. I have 5-6 people with orders on these cars.

We are trying to work something out with Acura that will allow us to ontinue to sell these models, but at this point it is looking pretty bad. If Acura is unable to resolve the Navi issue, and/or we are unable to resolve any potential legal issues, it is looking like we won't be allowed to order any Tech Packages in the future.

This effecively wipes out half the product line for us, with serious repurcussions on my earning potential! Acura Retreat!

Sharif Zawaideh
January 16th, 2007, 08:44 PM
Hey everyone,

This is the link for the trailer for my new film about modern day pirates. To answer your question, yes they are real. Let me know what you think. We self funded the trailer and are seeking outside dollars to finish a feature length film.

Davide Barillari
January 17th, 2007, 04:30 AM
I produce a college soap opera called The Gates. The first episode had issues but now clips from the second one have made it to the semi-finals of ABC's Soapnet contest. They can be viewed here:

Everything was filmed on the DVX100 although the one falling through the glass table shot was done on PD150.

Since I had to take a 40 minute show and compress it to ten minutes so much has been cut out, rearranged or edited down that it's hard to ask for comments on a lot of it since I know that's not what the final version will look like. I was wondering what you guys thought of the final chase scene as that actually was kept more or less intact. It's also the one scene that I really spent the most time storyboarding.

Also, do you think there are too many shots with camera movement in the episode overall? I had just got a new stabilizer (that $14 steadycam) before making the episode and I'm afraid I may have gone overboard with it.

The main problem I ran into while shooting was lighting (we don't have any except for some totas that keep burning through my gels). In order to fix that I'm having my school's TV station order some kits and I've spent Winter Break reading Painting With Light and the Set Lighting Technician's Handbook. That's not to mention how much I've been scouring these forums getting lots of great info that I can't wait to apply toward making Episode 3 great. My goal is to maintain a soap opera feel with the lighting but without that flat feeling that so many of them have.

The two main problems I ran into while editing were audio mixing and color correction. Our mics aren't very good and pick up a huge amount of noise. And you can always tell when there's a cut because the white noise in the background changes. Do you think a muff or something would help in that case? Or is there a way to fix it in post with Adobe's suite? As for CC, I tried to do most color correction in camera but, still there are a lot of times when it still appears off. Does anyone have a good tutorial for doing CC in Adobe? Or should I just invest in Magic Bullet?

Also, if you guys do happen to enjoy it please vote for it.

Alan Ortiz
January 17th, 2007, 11:11 PM
I am still downloading the movie, but the title, and the trailer have really caught my attention. It had me laughing. Looks like its going to be great. Did you shoot with a vanilla HD-10 or did you shoot with a 35mm adapter?


Giuseppe Palumbo
January 18th, 2007, 01:26 AM
I'm pretty sure that link doesn't work, so if it doesn't try this one:

James Lundy
January 18th, 2007, 07:57 AM
Just watched the trailer on your main site, and will download the feature now for viewing later this week when I get a chance.

Looks promising.

Mark Sasahara
January 19th, 2007, 07:38 PM
A few months ago I shot three "webisodes" for Turner Broadcast for their new website Super Deluxe. (

Check out my blog ( to see the first episode and to access links to the second episode. Third one is coming at some point. While you wait for the next episode you can look at my blog and check out the archives. Yes, I'm a blogslut.

Please vote for the episodes so that Mark can get hired again and make rent money. There are also a lot of other great videos on the site. The column on the right has five hearts, click on the fifth heart. It's that good :~) . You may have to register, but it's pretty quick and painless.



Peter Wiley
January 19th, 2007, 08:02 PM
Interesting video player on the blog. Is the code available?

Mark Sasahara
January 19th, 2007, 08:12 PM
Peter, Super Deluxe allows you to embed the video, but I don't know anything about how that works. Sorry I don't have any further info.

Thanks for checking it out.

Michael Rapadas
January 20th, 2007, 02:57 AM
Hello everyone,

Its been awhile since I've posted anything. My new site has launched. Please check it out when you can. Thank you for your time and support.

Mike D

IM LOVIN' IT! I really wish I could have a site as attractive as yours!

Mike Horrigan
January 20th, 2007, 03:33 PM
I've just finished (for the most part) creating my first web site!

I've also uploaded my 2 short films to it. Yes, I only have 2 under my belt. :)
I'm hoping to have a third ready to go for the DV "Honour and Glory" challenge.

Please check it out...

There is some sound during the opening flash page only.


Zack Birlew
January 20th, 2007, 10:18 PM
I don't know what's causing this, but I've installed the Divx Web player and then when I click back on it, it resets and tells me to install the software again. Is something wrong here?

Jeff Hendricks
January 21st, 2007, 08:33 AM
Good stuff man thanks for sharing

Joel Davis
January 21st, 2007, 04:11 PM
Hi All,

This ( is the trailer to my DVD I am releasing next month. There is some jib arm footage and some nice compositing in the titles.

Its my first DVD release, please feel free to comment.


Gabriel Yeager
January 21st, 2007, 04:44 PM
Wow Joel! Nice footage! That is some insane stunts! And I liked the hole blood thing. It turned out nice!

And my Mom said I was crazy when I did a half foot bunny hop, ha!

Scott Ellifritt
January 21st, 2007, 06:38 PM
Hi All,

This ( is the trailer to my DVD I am releasing next month. There is some jib arm footage and some nice compositing in the titles.

Its my first DVD release, please feel free to comment.


I am constantly amazed at where these guys can go with their bikes and you did a very nice job, indeed.

Jesus Galaz
January 21st, 2007, 08:34 PM
I'm hooked. I want to see the movie. I really hope you guys get funding.

Best of luck.

Michael Pulcinella
January 22nd, 2007, 08:22 AM
Well done to the riders! And well done to you!

Michael Pulcinella
January 22nd, 2007, 08:37 AM
Stunning trailer! Important subject. I had no idea this was going on. I hope you get funding.

Matt Williams
January 22nd, 2007, 12:41 PM
Take a look at a clip from one of our last T.V. shows it is quick and short. *It is a hunting video clip, shows a deer getting shot be warned it is not for everyone! Thanks hope you enjoy.

Brian Luce
January 22nd, 2007, 12:42 PM
I've been developing a screenplay on this topic for a while now!

btw I live in the Philippines where a lot of this stuff takes place. But the key area is the Straights of Malucca. I wish I was rich enough to contribute to your project! Good luck!

Brian Vannucci
January 22nd, 2007, 02:45 PM
Hey everyone, I just recently completed a 50 minute acton-drama called "Trigger," follwing the story of four thieves as they attempt to rob a bank in New York. I created a myspace page for it with the trailer on it, however, the music is not originally scored yet. It's poor quality and the myspace isn't completely finished yet, but check it out and let me know what you think. I'll be posting more information on the film soon.

Thanks alot!

Gunleik Groven
January 22nd, 2007, 06:55 PM
Looks good.


Mikko Lopponen
January 23rd, 2007, 07:53 AM
I've been doing some action shots lately. Here's one of our newest tests. This was shot in 35mm and I made some behind the scenes. It's in wmv format.

This next clip was shot in a nice snowy atmosphere. There's one dvx100 shot embedded with the hc1 shots. Try to guess where.

Here's some photos.

Aric Mannion
January 23rd, 2007, 01:04 PM
I made this kung fu movie a couple years ago, and won an unprecedented traveling scholarship. The trailer is online:

I'm now preparing a new video for the Museum of Fine Art's (Boston) Traveling Scholars exhibition. It opens February 10 to March 11, if you're in the neighborhood. Also, if you are a tech wiz I'm running into all kinds of problems, so take a look at my threads if you can help out!

Thomas Smet
January 23rd, 2007, 04:22 PM
Was that first piece really shot with the HC1? I ask because to me there seems to be a big quality difference between the first video and the second video.

The first video pretty darn good for a consumer camera. It is amazing what great lighting can do for a cheap camera. I thought the compression held up very well considering all the random drops of water flying all over the place. You didn't by any chance have this hooked up to a component capture system did you?

Was this a PAL unit? If so did you use the cinema effect mode or just a deinterlace. I noticed the video was 1024x576 so I assume it is PAL and you converted to a 16x9 SD file. Very nice results on that. I watched it full screen on my 1440x900 laptop monitor and it looked very detailed.

Mikko Lopponen
January 23rd, 2007, 06:11 PM
Was that first piece really shot with the HC1? I ask because to me there seems to be a big quality difference between the first video and the second video.

Yup. Also the arctic wind divx piece is encoded to 1024x576 quality. We shot it mainly with the hc1 because it held up very well against the dvx100. It was kinda weird using the bigger and sturdier camera as the b-camera, but that's how it was.

The lighting on the first piece was good enough so I could close the iris a bit and that helps with the sharpness quite a lot. I also used a high shutter on some of those shots and it helps in slowmotion and makes all the water droplets easy to spot. But it will also increase mpeg artifacts.

I thought the compression held up very well considering all the random drops of water flying all over the place. You didn't by any chance have this hooked up to a component capture system did you?

Nope, it was straight to hdv and to the mpeg2 encoder. Mpeg2 tends to break up during fast motion video, but for some strange reasons it worked well enough here. I did do a small smart smoother filter on virtualdub though and that helps the compression to wmv or divx. Resizing was also done on virtualdub as premieres scaling is not so good.

And yes, this was a pal unit and I did just a simple deinterlace. HC1 is a great unit which has only 2 drawbacks (as a consumer camera) and those are bad low light and rolling shutter.

These were basically just for my own hobby of doing action setpieces.

Andrae Palmer
January 23rd, 2007, 10:23 PM
Flew in from Fort Lauderdale to San Francisco on the 13th to help out a promoter with his event on the 14th at DNA Lounge in San Francisco. Had 2 HVX200's for a multicamera shoot but the laptop on the second camera was messing up. This is a clip of the various artists that performed.

720/24p clip... 223MB... 3 minutes long: