View Full Version : Exposure Sweet Spot?

February 13th, 2003, 01:27 PM
I read on another site that the suggested exposure "sweet spot" is f 5.6 for DV Camcorders,and that it should be kept around this area(more or less) for the best results.

Is this true? And if so,what kind of problems can you expect to run into trying to maintain +/- f 5.6?

Thank you!


Don Berube
February 13th, 2003, 02:14 PM
More or less that is correct, if you want everything to be in focus with good detail. You might perhaps stop down to f5.6 outside in bight daylight, more so than indoors,,,

Be careful if you are using any diffusion/ mist in front of the lens. Too small of an aperture will create "too much DOF" which will most effectively cause you to see the diffusion pattern in your fiilter.

With a 1/3" CCD, I wouldn't stop down any more than f5.6 - any more than this and you might introduce diffraction into your image, which will actually soften the detail somewhat - despite the smaller iris setting.
I typically hang out around f2.8 with the XL1S, sometimes wider depending on what needs to be in focus in the frame.

- don

February 13th, 2003, 02:53 PM
Thanks Don,I'll read these articles before I get back with you with more questions.


John Locke
February 13th, 2003, 03:01 PM

I should take this opportunity to thank you for that article. It's so full of useful information...and shooting inspiration...I've gone back to it several times. And I'm sure I will again several times in the future.

Is "Exclusive" posted on the web anywhere? Or perhaps a trailer? The photos are I'd love to see some footage if it's posted anywhere.

Don Berube
February 14th, 2003, 03:42 PM
Hi John,

Thanx for the feedback :)

At the moment we are still waiting for the director and composer to provide us with music for the soundtrack. There really isn't anything else that we can do proactively on the piece until then.

Will keep you posted though!


- don