View Full Version : Less Easy
Mike F Smith June 4th, 2006, 02:26 PM I'm wondering if there is a way to make the dvds I burn on my computer less easy to copy. If I could get the level of a commercial dvds I would be happy. It seems like I have had some problem with people copying lately.
Patrick Moreau June 4th, 2006, 04:06 PM It may sound too simple to work, but I have found simply telling people that they cannot be copied, or that they are encrypted, seems to work pretty well. I have tried with many people who have asked about copying them and I found out from a couple of them years later when they ordered more copies, that they had actually never tried. For the average person, it seems to work well.
Waldemar Winkler June 5th, 2006, 05:31 PM I don't worry about it. I have read that copyright software is quite expensive. I have not investigated because, quite frankly, I really feel my wedding video work belongs to my clients. Of course, I have the obligatory copyright statement in my contract and always mention it in my consultation meetings. The honest clients will respect my wishes. The dishonest one's won't respect copyright. In any event I feel the reality is I can not afford the expense of searching for copyright violations. In truth, I really don't care. What I really want the right to use the video in my advertising, so that statement is included in my contract as well. My sales history of six plus years indicates whatever additional copy sales I make occur shortly after the event and then fade into oblivion.
My biggest fear is how backward compatible will the electronic systems of the future be for my clients ten years or more hence, when they might really need to be reminded of the strength and comittment of the proclamations they made on their wedding day. That is why I do wedding video.
Mike F Smith June 5th, 2006, 08:12 PM I hear you about weddings, no worries there. It's the dance performance DVDs that are at issue. Ordering has been very consistant with all but one of the dance companies I do, so I'm thinking there may be something wrong there. The rot may go all the way to the top. I guess I will just put a copyright protected by KARMA systems INC or something right on the dvd. I'm not too bent if they copy them a year down the road or even burn one for grandma as long as it doesn't kill sales. I rely heavily on sales to make it work.
Leo Pepingco June 5th, 2006, 08:30 PM I only wish that we can install something that, while burning, the DVD self destructs and kills the burner. I will become famous when I discover a way to throw a rock at someone over the internet... lol
David Avedikian June 6th, 2006, 07:19 AM I only wish that we can install something that, while burning, the DVD self destructs and kills the burner.
I'm sure that's how performers feel about all the copyrighted songs videographers use to sell their product.
I don't see how, since the majority do use copyrighted songs, we can be angry with a client who burns copies. Just set your pricing to cover all expenses and some profit and then let any duplicate orders you get be a nice surprise. Most packages I've seen over charge for dups anyway, so maybe lower your price and you'll get more orders.
Peter Jefferson June 6th, 2006, 09:13 AM "copyright protected by KARMA systems INC "
HA! Good call!!
Hopefully with DRM and BD discs, we MAY be able to license out user system licenses and serial numbers for X amount of playback devices within one home. we'll need to wait and see.. but DRM would help as the user would need to register a serial number, which is verified by a database at the business front end (ie, they have to electronically call me to gain permission), and if we DIDNT authorise the use of that copy to a particular device, then we can block it from playing, or we can assign it to XYZ number of playback times...
For movie pirates this would suck teh big one, but eventually what WILL happen is reverse engineering and ripping tools will be available soon enough to circumvent any protection anyway.. its GOING to happen.. its just a matter of time..