Herman Chen
June 2nd, 2006, 05:54 PM
I have a question. Let's say I have a shot of someone with the blue, sunny sky in the background and there's "enough" contrast between the blue and everything else. How would I go about color correcting the image so that the blue sky would be a "cloudier, grayish" sky...thus creating hte illusion that it's no longer a sunny day, but more or less a rainy day?
FYI - I have premiere and After effects
Emre Safak
June 2nd, 2006, 06:14 PM
You would use the secondary color to isolate the blue, then do what you want with it. Here (http://www.digitalvideoediting.com/articles/viewarticle.jsp?id=37044) is a tutorial.
Herman Chen
June 2nd, 2006, 08:59 PM
I only have Premiere Pro 1.5, so I'm not sure if it has that feature. I haven't had much experience messing around with any of the RGB stuff or built in color correction plugins in Premiere, so if anyone can explain to me how it works, I would appreciate it.
Emre Safak
June 2nd, 2006, 09:25 PM
It should be available; secondary color correction is a pretty basic feature.
Herman Chen
June 2nd, 2006, 09:27 PM
Would you happen to know of any other tutorials besides the one above? I'd like to know what I'm doing rather than just constantly messing around with it.
Glenn Chan
June 4th, 2006, 01:49 PM
I think the secondary color correction is a feature only in Premiere Pro 2??? I don't remember seeing it in 1.5.
2- As far as figuring out what the secondary color corrector does, basically turn on the mask mode and play around with it. It can isolate color based on hue, saturation, luma, and or some combination of all three. *Premiere Pro's terminology is weird... I don't think they actually mean luma.
"Luma" is sort of like the black and white / brightness part of an image.
If you just isolate by one thing, you can see how it works. Using all three of hue, saturation, and luma will give you the most precise isolation.
In your case, you want to isolate the sky but not other colors in the image. So you don't want the color corrector affecting something like an almost-blue shirt that the talent is wearing.