Yi Fong Yu
January 25th, 2007, 08:13 AM
i've finished s5, the movie again. then went through s6 fairly quickly because i had seen them air when they were originally broadcast. there's been 1 or 2 eps that i've missed due to my being busy back then that i have since remedied. i've skimmed through s7-9 and they just aren't in the same caliber (in the story dept.) as s1-5. s6 was a bit uneven transition between the 2 points. having said that, the worse eps of XF is still very enjoyable. again, s2 is the best season absolutely. it's when they really hit the stride or somn.
Chan Ee Jien
January 27th, 2007, 02:28 AM
One of the things I like about XFiles is the way they introduce stuff.
Take the episode, Leonard Betts (the guy who eats cancer). Towards the end, he traps Scully in the ambulance and reveals that she has something he wants which shocks her. The ending was classic too, when she coughs blood on her bed, we know something bad is going to happen to her :D. Its a nice way to tie in part of the mythology (in a way it is, the cancer is caused by the conspirators) with a stand alone episode.
Yi Fong Yu
January 28th, 2007, 05:44 PM
yes, in medias res. every single episode begins right in the middle of something happening. throws you right in the middle of the story hitting the ground running.